西方近现代哲学家评介 文选
前 言
目 录
弗兰西斯·培根 Bacon, Francis (Juergen Klein)
笛卡尔 Descartes, René (Gary Hatfield)
epistemology (Lex Newman)
ethics (Donald Rutherford)
life and works (Kurt Smith)
mathematics (Lisa Shabel)
modal metaphysics (David Cunning)
ontological argument (Lawrence Nolan)
physics (Edward Slowik)
and the pineal gland (Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
洛克 Locke, John (William Uzgalis)
moral philosophy (Jane McIntyre)
political philosophy (Alex Tuckness)
斯宾诺莎 Spinoza, Baruch (Steven Nadler)
physical theory (Richard Manning)
psychological theory (Michael LeBuffe)
莱布尼茨 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (Brandon Look)
ethics (Andrew Youpa)
influence on 19th century logic (Volker Peckhaus)
modal metaphysics (Brandon Look)
on causation (Marc Bobro)
on the problem of evil (Michael Murray)
philosophy of mind (Mark Kulstad and Laurence Carlin)
休谟 Hume, David (William Edward Morris)
aesthetics (Ted Gracyk)
and Kant on Causality -- see Kant, Immanuel: and Hume on Causality
and Kant on morality -- see Kant, Immanuel: and Hume on morality
moral philosophy (Rachel Cohon)
on free will (Paul Russell)
on religion (Paul Russell)
康德 Kant, Immanuel (Paul Guyer)
aesthetics and teleology (Hannah Ginsborg)
critique of metaphysics (Michelle Grier)
and Hume on Causality (Graciela De Pierris and Michael Friedman)
and Hume on morality (Lara Denis)
and Leibniz (Catherine Wilson)
moral philosophy (Robert Johnson)
philosophical development (Martin Schönfeld)
philosophy of mathematics (Lisa Shabel)
philosophy of religion (Philip Rossi)
philosophy of science (Eric Watkins)
social and political philosophy (Frederick Rauscher)
theory of judgment (Robert Hanna)
transcendental arguments (Jonathan Vogel)
view of mind and consciousness of self (Andrew Brook)
views on space and time (Daniel Warren)
边沁 Jeremy Bentham (William Sweet)
黑格尔 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (Paul Redding)
aesthetics -- see aesthetics: Hegel
叔本华 Schopenhauer, Arthur (Robert Wicks)
aesthetics -- see aesthetics: Schopenhauer
马克思 Marx, Karl (Jonathan Wolff)
皮尔士 Peirce, Charles Sanders (Robert Burch)
logic (Eric Hammer)
theory of signs (Albert Atkin)
詹姆士 James, William (Russell Goodman)
尼采 Nietzsche, Friedrich (Robert Wicks)
aesthetics -- see aesthetics: Nietzsche
moral and political philosophy (Brian Leiter)
弗雷格 Frege, Gottlob (Edward N. Zalta)
controversy with Hilbert (Patricia Blanchette)
logic, theorem, and foundations for arithmetic (Edward N. Zalta)
胡塞尔 Husserl, Edmund (Christian Beyer)
柏格森 Bergson, Henri (Leonard Lawlor and Valentine Moulard)
杜威 Dewey, John
aesthetics (Tom Leddy)
moral philosophy (Elizabeth Anderson)
political philosophy (Matthew Festenstein)
罗素 Russell, Bertrand (A. D. Irvine)
logical atomism -- see logical atomism: Russell's
moral philosophy (Charles Pigden)
Russell's paradox (A. D. Irvine)
维特根斯坦 Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Anat Biletzki and Anat Matar)
aesthetics (Garry Hagberg)
logical atomism -- see logical atomism: Wittgenstein's
philosophy of mathematics (Victor Rodych)
海德格尔 Heidegger,Martin (Thomas Sheehan) Martin Heidegger (W. J. Korab-Karpowicz )
aesthetics -- see aesthetics: Heidegger
波普 Popper, Karl (Stephen Thornton)
萨特 Sartre, Jean-Paul (Thomas Flynn)
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