
Science and Philosophy of Information

Editor in Chief : Zou Xiao Hui (in Zhu Hai,China)

** 1-3, 2007 **

12th. International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science

VI International Ontology Congress: Logos  From the gene to language: the state of the art

VII International Ontology Congress: Real or Virtual: from Plato’s Cave to Internet 

Paradox Lost: the Cost of a Virtual World (迷惑的悖论:虚拟世界的成本) Mark Halpern

A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives(窥视信息与通信技术对我们未来生活的冲击)Luciano Floridi

Intelligence Means Information Processing(智意味着信息处理)  Zou Xiao Hui (in Zhu Hai, China)

国际国内学术会议征文通知                                截稿日期(Important Dates

13th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science electronic submissions is March 20th, 2007.  Bit-List Logic in Synergistic Intelligent System(在协同智能系统里面的序位逻辑)  Zou Xiao Hui (in Zhu Hai, China)

ICWAPR 2007 (International Conferences on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition) Paper submission 30 May 2007 ICCC2007 (中文信息处理国际会议) 截稿日期:2007612

JSCL-2007 (全国第九届计算语言学学术会议) 截稿日期:2007415(以收到Email或邮戳为准)

NCSIS’07 (首届全国社会信息科学研讨会) 摘要提交截止:2007420 全文提交截止:2007530

,信息, 复杂性论坛   奇迹信息科学论坛   信息的科学和哲学论坛    


** 4-6, 2007 **

** 7-9, 2007 **

** 10-12,2007 **


主编:邹晓辉(珠海)     本学术期刊常年顾问和编委