A fundamental generalization of information and computation  


---  Another perspective of understanding the nature world and the universe





1.    “Matter-Info” and “Matter-Computing”:

The past and modern science and technology had given us a more and more clear picture of our nature world and the universe:

 “It is a vast time-space with non-stop moving Matter and Matter-Reaction. ” It is a materialistic point of view, and form the fundamental base of human’s understanding of the Matter World, even our life systems are made of Matter. But , after ten years of learning and working in Computer and Networks area, I suddenly brainstormed some ideas which can give me another way of viewing the nature world and the universe, a way lead to: “Another perspective of understanding the nature world and the universe.”

It should be based on a refreshed understanding or a 

Hypothesis (A):

a) The Matter is the Information – a < Generalized Information >,

b) The Matter-Reaction is the Computation – a < Generalized Computation >

I know there is a famous saying in the history of Cybernetics and Informatics:  “ Information is Information , neither Matter nor Energy. ”  From my view, the “Information” here means a sort of “Specialized Information”.

To distinguish the meaning of  “Information” respectively , I need two names.  For  < Generalized Information > , it is named as “ Matter-Info ”;  For  < Specialized Information >,  it is named as “ Specific-Info ”;  Similarly, I view the traditional computation way as “Specialized Computation”.

To distinguish the meaning of “Computation” respectively , I also need two names. For  < Generalized Computation > ,  it is named as “ Matter-Computing ” ; For  < Specialized Computation >,   it is named as “ Specific-Computing ”.

So the four related names together will give us convenience for future discussion.

2. Generalization of Information and Computation :

“Information” is not a virtual object that can exist alone without “Matter/Energy”, “Matter/Energy” is the material media / carrier of  “Information” ,  this is the material characteristic of “Information”. Vice versa , “Information” is the content over the material media / carrier based on from “Matter/Energy”, this is the informational characteristic of  “Matter/Energy”.

So what the “Matter-Info” means is the “Matter/Energy” itself, reflecting the two sides of the mutual related characteristics between “Matter/Energy” and “Information”. And the “Matter-Computing” is the reflection of the behaviors between “Matter-Info”. Therefore, we can make some conclusions for next step discussion.

There are 2 types of  “Specific-Info”:

a)    Description type: which is based on the pattern structure of  “Matter-Info”.

b)    Reaction type: which is based on the “Matter-Computing” of  “Matter-Info”.

In this theory, the “Matter-Info” and “Matter-Computing” form the two fundamental properties of the Nature World and the Universe, they are the basic characteristics.

“Information ” is everywhere, “Computing ” is everywhere in the Nature Universe,

they are “Matter-Info” and “Matter-Computing” working together for evolution. The rules controlling the two properties’ working are the rules of the Nature Universe. And some of them are already transferred into our Human Beings’ symbolized knowledge System such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology and Technologies.

  We are already familiar with the highlights on the newspaper, broadcasts on TV and   pictures/texts on our computer display, or the messages in the mail/email letters.   They are the “Information” that we can understand. These kinds of “Information” should be viewed as a special subset of “Specific-Info” named as “Protocolized-Info”. Which means such kind of “Information” is already “coded” into the target system.

The source system and target system are all understanding the exchanging signal. In general, Human Beings’ civilization is just a set of  “Protocolized-Info” systems, which is inherited through human society and evolve from generation to generation .

3. Generalization of Life and Computer:

What is life?  Is it a living object made up of organic and inorganic substance ?

What is life system?  Is it a group of living objects with some close co-relations ?

Is there a Generalization of life system and computer?  Yes , we can try to make it.

Hypothesis (B):

Generalized Life (System) : Any “Matter-Info” System with a Life-Span Evolution.

Generalized Computer (System): Any “Matter-Computing” System of “Matter-Info”.

Therefore, we can find names:  “Matter-Life” and “Matter-Computer” respectively.

A “Matter-Life” is a “Matter-Computer” named  “Life-Computer”.

Then we have some understanding Questions:

a) Is a Human Body a perfect-designed “Intelligent Machine” of “Life-Computer” ?

b) Is the Nature World or Planet Earth’s Ecosystem a well-created huge “Matter-Life”?

c) Is the Nature World or Planet Earth’s Ecosystem a distributed “Life-Computer”?

d) Is the Universe a long-term life-span, rule-based-organized, giant “Matter-Life”?

e) Is the Universe a large-scale, super-massive, non-stop and Huge “Life-Computer”?

The vision contained in above questions will lead you to some special understanding of our Nature World and the Universe. This is why I have a sub-title of the paper. It is like a philosophy approach on the first sight, but it will be beyond philosophy later. I will show you why the view points in such kinds of questions are far more interested.

4. Some further discussions questions in different areas:

From a philosophy point of view, the world things are all connected and correlated with each other, there always be a particular reason for a specific result. I accept such a perspective and believe that all the knowledge disciplines divided by human will be integrated under an “Unified Theory of Everything”, because they are parts of a whole. So, I am so much concerned about the amazing similarity between different disciplines.

Inspirations from different science and technology areas help me in dipping into such special thinking of “Information”, “Computation” , “Life” and even “Human Society”.

1) The first area is Biology and Biotechnology:

The DNA carries the genetic information and is capable of self-replication and synthesis of RNA. The sequence of nucleotides determines individual hereditary characteristics.

The “Human Genome Project” will figure out the genes information code embedded in the human chromosomes. The “Human Brain Project ” is also starting focusing on the Neuroinformatics. The Clone Biotechnology is focusing on the clone of organ and body. But what I want to discuss here is somewhat different:

a)    Can we take the Genes Information Code as a kind of  “Life-Matter-Program”?

Such kind of “Life-Matter-Program” can be used to control the life characteristics through “Life-Matter-Computing” at the atomic and molecular level in cell space.

b)    Can we take the Human Body as a perfect complex intelligent machine with input and output interfaces? for example, we can see, listen, smell or taste “Matter-Info”, we can eat and drink with foods and water,  which are also a kind of “Matter-Info”. It is a “Life-Machine” as usual machines and can be duplicated if you know how to.

c)     Can we take the Human Brain as a 3-Dimension , solid-paralleled “Matter-CPU” of the intelligent “Life-Machine” as human body or in other word a “Life-Computer”?

2)  The second area is the Information Technology(IT):

There is an interesting translation of word “Computer” into Chinese called “DianNao”, which means “Electronic Brain”. This is really a perfect imaginative interpretation. We need draw an analogy between them. Let us have a look of the 20 years’ evolution of Intel-based PC. The CPU had changed form 8088, 80X86 series to Pentium series . Even though the power of CPU double every 18 months according to the Moore’s Law, the oldest program code running on a 4MHz 8086 CPU, can still be run on the most latest 2GHz Pentium4 PC. This is called “Compatible” or “Binary Compatible”. These kinds of “Compatible PC” are called “PC clones”. Does this sound interesting?  So,

a)    Can we take the CPU’s “Binary Instruction Set” as “Genes” of a specific CPU ?

b)    Can we take the “Binary compatible ” as “Binary Inheritance” of the CPU Genes?

c)     Can we take the PC’s memory and storage system as Human Brain’s Memory ?

d)    Can we take the software running on a PC as the “Mind and Soul” of PC ?

e)     Can we take the “Spirit Soul” as the “Software” and “Human Body” as “Hardware” of a type of “Life-Computer”. So, different persons with different capabilities is just like that we have installed and run different software in the different PC machines ?

f)      We had already taken the self-replicated “Program Code” as “Computer Virus”, which sometime can cause computer system malfunctions,  just like the real “Virus” causing diseases of human body or other life body.

Let us have another look at the computer networks or the Internet. Large amount of different types of computers were connected into a large-scale communication system.

They are using identical network protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) to exchange data messages and control, thus creating a large-scale, distributed, powerful computation environment. Just like the famous slogan from SUN company : “The Network Is The Computer.”

a)    Can we take the “Network Protocol” as a “Language” between connected computer?

b)    Can we take the “TCP/IP” as an universal “Language” of Computer Network World just like the “English Language” of Human Society World?

c)     Why does “Ether Net” technology survive and still progress, while the Token-Ring, FDDI,100VG-AnyLAN and ATM are all facing difficulties in competition? It is also because of the “Compatible”, which means “Inheritance” in the network evolution.

To summarize, the IT achievements have so many “Copy” from the developments of human life. It seems that there are some similar rules in their respective evolution path.

If we take the Human Body as a “Life-Computer”, the Human Society as a distributed “Life-Computer” Network System. We can make some trends prediction according to the gained development knowledge from one side to another. For example, in Human Society, the team work is more efficient and powerful than individual one. In computer world, the high-available clustered computer system will be more powerful than single.

3) The third area is the Quantum Information and Computation:

Information is physical, and computation obeys physical laws. The elementary classical bits 0/1 of information must be represented in physical media to be stored and processed.

It is well known that the traditional computer system’s hardware is based on silicon and semiconductor technology. The speed of the CPU’s clock rate is increasing rapidly and will be finally reaching the Physics Limitation within decades. Scientists and technologists are thinking other ways of computation, e.g. the optics computing, the biology computing. And the “Quantum Information and Quantum Computation” is also another branch way.

Information is recorded in the exact quantum state microscopic systems such as polarized photons or atoms, and allowed to evolve according to the laws of quantum mechanics,

some novel kinds of information transmission and processing become possible.

All of the frontier ideas are indicating that the fundamental essence of the traditional information is just stored as a stuff of “Matter/Energy” with specific state representing a bit of 0/1.  No matter how tiny this stuff of “Matter/Energy” is , even it is just a general quantum,  it is still a “Matter/Energy” based storage space,  this is what we named “Specific-Info” previously.  And we take the “Matter/Energy” itself as “Matter-Info”.

The Physics law “Conservation of Energy” turns to be “Conservation of  Matter-Info”. So, same way for the fundamental essence of traditional computation. It is also based on “Matter/Energy” stuff with Physical reactions called “Specific-Computing” in this way. It is based on “Matter-Computing”. Physical laws are still controlling the computation.

The more rapid advance of IT and related technologies, the more close we will approach to the essence of what the Traditional Information and Computation is . Which in turn, can help to give us better understanding of the Nature World and the Universe.

  The forth area is the development of Economic and Human Society:

  Economists and Sociologists give a evolving path of the Human Economy and Society.

a) Economy:  Agriculture -> Industry ->  Post-Industry->  Information …

b) Society:    Agriculture -> Industry ->  Post-Industry->  Information …

For many years, there is a saying that the Human Society is entering Information Society.

We will focus discussion on the evolution principle we can find and use it to predict future.

A theory named “Holographic-Cosmology” gave some principles about evolution, one of the key rule is the : “Holo-Re-evolving” , which means “A holographic element of a system will holo-re-evolve the evolution path of the whole system in a short-form time period . E.g. The human body is developed from a tiny human oosperm within about 8-10 months. And this period of time, is just a compressed version of the evolving history of human life from single-cell to multi-cells embryo.

  The world economics is globalizing continuously, different nations are more and more closely connected through economic trade. The world telecommunication networks and computer internet link the vast majority of world people to work and live together online.

Some learner take these inter-networked computer systems and people as “Global Brain”. It do give an indication of a fresh new perspective of the human society and the ecosystem.

a)    Can we take the Nature Planet Earth Ecosystem a “Huge-General-Life” ?

b)    Can we take the network optical fiber and copper lines linking together as a special

kinds “Digital Nervous System” of the “Global Brain” or “Huge-General-Life”?

c)     What is the new evolution rules for such a “Huge-General-Life” ?

  It perhaps will last for decades to give a complete and clear answer of such questions. It will depend on some fresh new advancement of all disciplines especially in the areas of Systemics , Cybernetics, Informatics. I am so happy to learn and work in these areas.

5. Another type of unifying base of all disciplines :  “Matter-Info-Computics” :

If we accept the above “Matter-Info” and “Matter-Computation” Hypothesis A . We can reach a conclusion that for different level of “Matter-Info” system structure:

From quarks to atoms, from molecules to lattice , from inorganic to organic DNA genes, from cell to human body, from individual to family and society, from planet to galaxy, from universe to super-cosmos which we are still researching and seeking. The more complex the structure of “Matter-Info” system, the more advanced rules controlling the “Matter-Computation” of such a system. But no matter how complex and advanced it is, It is still based on the very basic rules of the existing “Matter-Info-Computation”, one of the rule is “Duplication” either in spatial and in temporal, which cause “Matter Moving”, “Electro-Magnetic Fields Transferring” , “Gene Replicating” and “Weapon Making”, etc.

All the human knowledge system gained until now, is just a kind of human understand “Specific-Info” system which is just a true reflection of the real working way of our nature world and the universe. Compare with the large amount “Matter-Info” which our human beings still do not observe, touch and feel, in which there are stored much more unknown knowledge to us, what we have build for our human versatile disciplines are just pieces of several human “Specific-Info” knowledge system such as Physics , Chemistry, Biology…, which will be finally unified under an Universal Theory called “Matter-Info-Computics”.

This is perhaps another name of “Unified Theory of Information” approaching same goal. We had already accumulated many rules controlling the “Matter-Info-Computics” in respective disciplines, and will continue our work from generations to generations.

  Human science and technology are progressing to the gate of “Matter-Computation” Age, I am sure that 10 or 20 years later, as the achievements made from all areas especially in Biotechnology , we will be more and more clear about what the “Matter-Computation” is. It is the most common and fundamental behaviors of our Nature World and the Universe.


6. A potential link bridge between Religion and Science and Technology :

We can derive a interesting “Guess” from the “Matter-Info-Computation” hypothesis. There are “God Programmer” who are programming the Nature World and Universe. If we take the DNA Genes as a type of “Matter-Program”; if we take Human Body as a perfect “Life-Computer”, you have to ask that who are making the “Matter-Program” and who are programming our body structure and our life ,or even the whole world ?

 Is there a kind of “Advanced -Life” who “live” in another layer of universe ?

Is the fictitious “Foreign Life” from UFOs or other planets a sort of “Advanced-Life”?

Is what Science knowledge and Religion knowledge are the two sides of the real universe?

Is the human individuals’ fate and destiny are also “Programmed” by “Advanced-Life”,

Is such “Advanced-Life” had programmed all the “Hidden Order” of present world?

Is such “Advanced-Life” under the control of Gods or beyond Gods ?

There will be even more questions , and we have to continue our work on such a topic.


7.     From Philosophy to Ethics

As the power of the electronic computer increases, will it be more intelligent than human? This is a challenging question. Though the IBM Deep Blue win the chess game with the famous opponent. People still do not believe the computer will be smarter than human. So do I. It is because the human brain is still the most economic and environment-friendly intelligent information processing “Machine” ever found in the nature world we know.

  Human had learnt more knowledge from our nature life world for science and technology. This progress will be continuing in a more modest and respectful way. We need to learn how to balance between the “Inheritance” and “Innovation”, we should take good care of the utilization of technology we are ready to use. We care more about other type of lives.

  Nowadays, we all understand the protection of environment is the protection of ourselves. If you take the Earth Ecosystem as a “Huge-Life”, then our human people are just a type of “Sub-Life”, so hurting the “Huge-Life” is hurting the “Sub-Life” of ourselves. It may be “Nonsense” to “Human Scinece” or “Common Sense” of the “Nature Science”.

  United Nations advocate the sustainable development for long time, it is a real evolution principle with easy understanding, because it is a quite natural way to evolve, a life way. We should cherish the nature way in our daily work,  it tends to be a sustainable way.

We should cherish the life we live as a “Sub-Life” of our Nature World’s “Huge-Life”.