Prof. Dreyfus suffers from a mild case of prosopagnosia or "face blindness". So, although he has met you before, and sometimes more than once, it is quite probable than he will not recognize you when you meet again. Please, re-introduce yourself telling him when and where you met the previous time(s). |
Office: | 303 Moses Hall | ||||||||||||||||||
E-mail: |
Send e-mail to Professor Dreyfus ¡¡ |
Phone: | (510) 642-7463 | |||||||||||||||||||
Mailing address: | Department of Philosophy 314 Moses Hall 2390 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-2390 |
Office Hours: | Wed. 4-6 | |||||||||||||||||||
Course(s): | FALL - Philosophy 185: Heidegger'
Being and Time SPRING - Philosophy 7: Existentialism in Literature and Film Phil 290-7: Heidegger's Being & Time Division II - L&S 160A: Questioning Efficiency: Human Factors and Existential Phenomenology Course web site: |
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Hubert Dreyfus, PhD, Harvard University, 1964 Professor in the Graduate School. His major interests are phenomenology, existentialism, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of literature, and philosophical implications of artificial intelligence. |
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A Bibliography
Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
Review of Thomas Langan's The Meaning of Heidegger: A Critical Study of an Existentialist Phenomenology. Philosophical Review (July 1961), 70(3):408-
"Comments on John Wild's 'The Philosophy of Martin Heidegger'." Journal
of Philosophy (October 24, 1963), 60(22):677-679.
Symposium: Martin Heidegger, American Philosophical Association,
Eastern Division, Sixtieth Annual Meeting.
Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence. Rand Corporation Paper: P-3244. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corp. 1965.
Review of Jean-Paul Sartre's Search for a Method. Philosophical Review (October 1966), 75(4):526-
"Why Computers Must Have Bodies In Order to be Intelligent." Review of Metaphysics (September 1967), 21(1):13-32.
"A Critique of Artificial Reason." Arificial Intelligence (1968), 43:507-522.
"A Critique of Artificial Reason." Thought (Winter 1968), 43(171):507-
Review of Frederick A. Olafson's Principles and Persons: An Ethical Interpretation of Existentialism. Philosophical Review (July 1970), 79(3):420.
"Phenomenology and Mechanism." Nous (February 1971), 5(1):81-96.
Part of Symposia to be held at the meetings of the Western Division of
the American Philosophical Association in Chicago, Illinois, May 6-8, 1971.
What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.
"Artificial Intelligence." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (March 1974), 412:21-
(with John Haugeland.) "The Computer as a Mistaken Model of the Mind." In S.C. Brown, ed., Philosophy of Psychology, pp. 247-258. London: Macmillan, 1974.
"The Priority of 'The' World to 'My' World: Heidegger's Answer to Husserl
and Sartre." Man and World (May 1975), 8(2):121-130.
Issue is on "Phenomenology Comes of Age in America: Essays in Honor of
John Wild."
"A Framework for Misrepresenting Knowledge." In Martin Ringle, ed., Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 110-123. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1979.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus.) The Psychic Boom: Flying Beyond the Thought Barrier. Report No.: ORC 79-3. Berkeley: University of California, Operations Research Center, 1979. 8 leaves.
What Computers Can't Do: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence.
Revised edition. Harper Colophon Books. New York: Harper & Row, 1979.
Revised edition of What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial
Reason (1972).
"Discussion." Review of Metaphysics (1980), 34:47-56.
A Discussion with Charles Taylor and Richard Rorty.
"Holism and Hermeneutics." Review of Metaphysics (September 1980), 34(1):3-24.
"Sartre's Changed Conception of Consciousness." In Paul A. Schilpp, ed., The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, pp. 229-245. La Salle: Open Court, 1981.
Edited (with Harrison Hall.) Husserl, Intentionality and Cognitive Science. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, A Bradford Book, 1982.
(with Paul Rabinow.) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. With an afterword by Michel Foucault. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Review of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Vol. 1 & 2. Contemporary Psychology (December 1982), 27(12):940.
(with Paul Rabinow.) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. With an afterword by Michel Foucault. 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983.
"Between Techne and Technology: The Ambiguous Place of Technology in
Being and Time." Tulane Studies in Philosophy (1984), 32:23-35.
Issue is entitled "Invited Essays/The Thought of Martin Heidegger."
"Beyond Hermeneutics." In Gary Shapiro, Hermeneutics. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus.) "Coping with Change: Why People Can and Computers Can't." Logos (1986), 7:17-33.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus, and Tom Athanasiou.) Mind over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer. New York: Free Press, 1986.
"Misrepresenting Human Intelligence." Thought (December 1986), 61(243):430-441.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus.) "Putting Computers in Their Place." Social Research (Spring 1986), 53(1):57-
"Studies of Human Capacities Can Never Achieve their Goal." In Joseph Margolis, ed., Rationality, Relativism and the Human Sciences. Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1986.
"Foucault's Critique of Psychiatric Medicine." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (November 1987), 12(4):311-333.
(with Stuart Dreyfus.) "Hvorfor en datamaskin aldri vil kunne tenke som et menneske." Samtiden (1987), 96(5):12+.
"Misrepresenting Human Intelligence." In Rainer Born, ed., Artificial Intelligence, pp. 41-54. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.
"You Can't Get Something for Nothing: Kierkegaard and Heidegger on How Not Overcome Nihilism." Inquiry (March-June 1987), 30(1-2):33-75.
"Husserl's Epiphenomenology." In Herbert R. Otto, ed., Perspectives on Mind, pp. 85-106. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus.) "Making a Mind versus Modeling the Brain: Artificial Intelligence Back at a Branchpoint." Daedalus (Winter 1988), 117(1):15-44.
(with Paul Rabinow.) Michel Foucault: Mas alla del Estructuralismo y la
Hermeneutica. Coleccion Pensamiento social. Mexico, D.F.: Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mxico, 1988.
Translation by Corinade Iturbe of Michel Foucault: Beyond
Structuralism and Hermeneutics (1982).
"Si pu¨® accusare Socrate di cognotivismo." Nuova Civilit¨¤ delle Machinne
(1988), 6(1-2):62-72.
Translation by Luciano Bazzocchi.
"Alternative Philosophical Conceptualizations of Psychopathology." In Harold A. Durfee, ed., Phenomenology and Beyond: The Self and its Language. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989.
"On the Ordering of Things: Being and Power in Heidegger and Foucault." Southern Journal of Philosophy (1989), 28(Supplement):83-96.
"Foucault et la psychoth¨¢rapie." Revue Internationale de Philosophie (1990), 44(173):209-230.
"Heidegger for Fun and Profit." New York Times Book Review (February 1, 1990):34.
"Searle's Freudian Slip." Behavioral and Brain Sciences (December 1990), 13 (4):603-603.
Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.
"Between Man and Nature." Harvard Review of Philosophy (1991), 1(1):6-19.
"L'¨¦piph¨¦nom¨¦nologie de Husserl." Etudes Philosophiques
(January-March 1991), 1:57-77.
Translation by J.-Ph. Jaz¨¦
"Husserl et les sciences cognitive." Etudes Philosophiques
(January-March 1991), 1:1-29.
Translation by J.-Ph. Jaz¨¦
(with Jerome Wakefield.) "Intentionality and the Phenomenology of Action." In Ernest Lepore, ed., John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1991.
(with Stuart E. Dreyfus.) "Mind Games." Sciences (January-February 1991), 31(1):3.
Review of David Bell's Husserl, Edmund Husserl's Aufsatze und Vortrage. TLS [Times Literary Supplement (July 12 1991), 4606: 24-25.
Review of Frederick A. Olafson's Heidegger and the Philosophy of Being. Philosophical Review (July 1991), 100(3):524-529.
(with S.E. Dreyfus.) "Towards a Phenomenology of Ethical Expertise." Human Studies (October 1991), 14(4):229-250.
"Artificial Experts - Response." Social Studies of Science (November 1992), 22(4):717-726.
Edited (with Harrison Hall.) Heidegger: A Critical Reader. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992.
"Heidegger's History of the Being of Equipment." In Hubert L. Dreyfus and Harrison Hall, eds., Heidegger: A Critical Reader. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1992.
Sustaining Non-rationalized Practices: Body-Mind, Power and Situational Ethics: An Interview with Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus. By Bent Flyvbjerg. Aalborg: Institute of Development and Planning, University of Aalborg, 1992. 31 leaves.
What Computers "Still" Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.
Revised edition. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992.
Revised edition of What Computers Can't Do (1979).
"What is Moral Maturity? Towards a Phenomenology of Ethical Expertise." In James Ogilvy, ed., Revisioning Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York, 1992.
"Heidegger on the Connection between Nihilism, Art, Technology, and Politics." In Charles Guignon, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger, pp. 289-316. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
"Heidegger's Critique of the Husserl/Searle Account of Intentionality." Social Research (Spring 1993), 60(1):17-38.
Review of Varela, Francisco J., Thompson, Evan, Rosch, Eleanor.The Embodied Mind, Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Mind (July 1993), 102(407):542-546.
"Was Computer noch immer nicht können." Deutsche Zeitschrift f¨¹r
Philosophie (1993), 41 (4):653-680.
Translated by Wolf-Dieter Junghanns.
"Was ist moralische Reife? Eine phänomenologische Darstellung der
Entwicklung ethischer Expertise." Deutsche Zeitschrift fuuml;r
Philosophie (1993), 41(3):435-458.
Translated by Ulla Zöhrer-Ernst Junghanns.
(with Jane Rubin.) "Kierkegaard on the Nihilism of the Present Age: The Case of Commitment as Addiction." Synthese (1994), 98(1):3-19.
"The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment." Filozofska Istrazivanja (1995), 15(3):385-399.
"Interpreting Heidegger on 'Das Man'." Inquiry (December 1995), 38(4):423-430.
"Being and Power: Heidegger and Foucault." International Journal of Philosophical Studies (1996), 4(1):1-16.
"Response to My Critics." Artificial Intelligence (January 1996), 80(1):171-191.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Two Kinds of Antiessentialism and their Consequences." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1996), 22(4):735-763.
(with Charles Spinosa and Fernando Flores.) Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Highway Bridges and Feasts: Heidegger and Borgmann on How to Affirm Technology." Man and World (April 1997), 30(2):159-177.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Single World versus Plural-World Antiessentialism:
A Reply to Tim Dean." Critical Inquiry (1997), 23(4):921-932.
Response to article in this issue, p. 910.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Zwei Arten des Antiessentialismus und ihre
Konsequenzen." Deutsche Zeitschrift f¨¹r Philosophie (1997),
Translated by Bertolt Fessen.
"Response to My Critics." In Terrell Ward Bynum, ed., The Digital Phoenix. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1998.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Coping with Things-in-Themselves: A Practice-Based Phenomenological Argument for Realism." Inquiry (March 1999), 42(1):49-78.
(with Charles Spinosa.) "Robust Intelligibility: Response to Our Critics." Inquiry (June 1999), 42(2):177-194.
"Responses." In Mark A. Wrathall and Jeff Malpas, eds., Heidegger, Authenticity, and Modernity: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus, Volume 1, pp. 305-341. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.
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