西方古代哲学家评介 文选
前 言
西方古代哲学家评介文选(英文共享平台)旨在为长期用汉语及中文阅读和思考西方古代哲学家提出的哲学问题的 学友(学者和大学生及研究生乃至同等学历的研究者)提供用英语及英文阅读和思考同样哲学问题的便捷通道。以便各位均有同等机会,浏览英文论著。
目 录
苏格拉底 Socrates (Debra Nails)
柏拉图 Plato (Richard Kraut)
aesthetics (John Heil, Jr.)
ethics (Dorothea Frede)
ethics and politics in The Republic (Eric Brown)
friendship and eros (C. D. C. Reeve)
method and metaphysics in the Sophist and Statesman (Mary Louise Gill)
middle period metaphysics and epistemology (Allan Silverman)
naming and knowledge (David Sedley)
on knowledge in the Theaetetus (Timothy Chappell)
on utopia (Chris Bobonich)
Parmenides (Samuel Rickless)
rhetoric and poetry (Charles Griswold)
shorter ethical works (Paul Woodruff)
Timaeus (Donald Zeyl)
in metaphysics (Mark Balaguer)
commentators on Aristotle (Andrea Falcon)
in the Renaissance (Heinrich Kuhn)
亚里士多德 Aristotle (Christopher Shields)
Aristotle, General Topics
biology (James Lennox)
categories (Paul Studtmann)
ethics (Richard Kraut)
logic (Robin Smith)
metaphysics (S. Marc Cohen)
poetics (Richard Janko)
political theory (Fred Miller)
psychology (Christopher Shields)
rhetoric (Christof Rapp)
Aristotle, Special Topics
causality (Andrea Falcon)
mathematics (Henry Mendell)
natural philosophy (Istvan Bodnar)
on non-contradiction (Paula Gottlieb)
伊壁鸠鲁 Epicurus (David Konstan)
奥古斯丁 Augustine, Saint (Michael Mendelson)
relation to Greek philosophy (Charles Brittain)
托马斯·阿奎那 Thomas Aquinas
编 后
《西方古代哲学家评介 文选(英文共享平台)》在哲学家人选上借鉴了国内学者的意见[1],在哲学家评介文选(英文共享平台)上采用了国外学者的意见和共享资料来源[2]。
[2]国际,斯坦福大学哲学百科全书 ;国际互联网哲学百科全书。