

WWW. IIGSS. NET: Links to Other Important Web-Sites

  1. American Society for Cybernetics, Pille Bunnell pille@interchange.ubc.ca http://www.ASC-cybernetics.org
  2. www.aideas.com This site is designed for the latest progress on pansystems studies.
  3. blown-up theory - An Introduction to the Theory of Blown-Ups, by Jeffrey Forrest
  4. Chicago Center for Creative Development, Hector Sabelli, http://creativedevelopment.hypermart.net/cccdframe.html
  5. Complex Systems - journal devoted to the science, mathematics, and engineering of systems with simple components but complex overall behavior.
  6. Center for Applied Development Systems, Jennifer Wilby, jmwilby@dial.pipex.com
  7. Complex Systems Virtual Library - concerns the nature and consequences of interactions and non-linearities in systems of many objects. It includes topics such as artificial life, cellular automata, chaos, criticality, evolutionary computation, fractals, parallel computation, self-organization.
  8. Complexity On-line - collaborative project that aims to develop a comprehensive information service about complex systems, structures and processes that involve non-linearity.
  9. Computational Beauty of Nature, The - companion site for the book by Gary William Flake. Contains applets and source code for simulations of fractals, chaos, complex systems, and adaptation.
  10. Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences - Florida Atlantic University - working to understand the mechanisms and principles underlying complex behavior on all levels, from molecules and cells to whole brain functioning.
  11. Center for Intelligent Systems, George Klir, CIS@Binghamton.edu
  12. Center for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Research (CFL)
  13. Centre d'études sur les systèmes autonomes: http://www.autogenesis.ch
  14. Centre for Systemic Development: http://www.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au/research/centres/csd/csd.shtml
  15. Chaos, fuzziness and complexity. Vladimir Dimitrov: http://www.nepean.uws.edu.au/vip/dimitrov 
  16. Connected Mathematics: Making Sense of Complex Phenomena Through Building Computational Models - page features current papers as well as extensible models created with StarLogo.
  17. Consilience: Case Studies in Complex Adaptive Systems - a student-initiated seminar. Includes an online discussion and projects about various complex phenomena.
  18. Dynamics of Multiagent systems
  19. EOLSS: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, http://www.eolss.com
  20. Epic of Evolution Society, Larry Edwards ledwards@sasq.net; Brian Swimme ChambersCreek@nothingbutnet.net
  21. Educational Opportunities in systems sciences: http://www.isss.org/minishu.htm
  22. EVALife: Complex Systems and Biologically Inspired Models - interdisciplinary research project on the mutual influence between information technology and biology in order to study and exploit emergent mechanisms in organic and engineered systems.
  23. General Evolution Research Group, David Loye loye@parnershipway.org
  24. Global Futures Foundation, Bill Shireman Billshire@aol.com
  25. Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH)
  26. Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems - research in nonlinear dynamics, complex systems, and classical and quantum chaos. http://order.ph.utexas.edu
  27. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
  28. Infodynamics Group, Stan Salthe ssalthe@binghamton.edu
  29. Institute for Law & Systems Research, Paul Wohlmuth plas@acusd.edu
  30. Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, Peter Corning, ISCS@aol.com
  31. Interact, Jamshid Gharajedaghi, Martine Dodds, mdodds@akad.sun.ac.za
  32. International Federation for Systems Research, Michael Jackson, D.E.Gibbs@hubs.hull.ac.uk, http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/ifsr
  33. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
  34. International Institute for Informatics and Systemics, http://www.iiis.org/sci
  35. International Society for the Systems Sciences , Peter Corning, WRLDISSS2K@aol.com
  36. International Systems Institute , Bela H. Banathy , BHBanathy@aol.com
  37. Joint Committee on Complexity - a joint venture of Indiana State University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Ivy Tech State College, and St. Mary-of-the-Woods College.
    Korean Society for Systems Research , Yong Pil Rhee , rheeyp@plaza.snu.ac.kr
  38. Medtraffic: Hanfei Bao: http://www.medtraffic.com This site is about how medicine can be seen as a whole knowledge in terms of systems and pansystems.
  39. MultiAgent Systems - news and information on multiagent systems research and applications.
  40. New England Complex Systems Institute (2)
  41. Outsights, create new insights through outside perspectives.
  42. Portland State University Systems Science Program, Martin Zwick, zwick@pdx.edu , http://www.sysc.pdx.edu
  43. Principia Cybernetica, Cliff Joslyn, joslyn@lanl.gov
  44. For their links available click: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/cybsysli.html
  45. Research Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC51) of the International Sociological Association
  46. Richard Lee, RC51 secretary, rlee@binghamton.edu
  47. Santa Fe Institute
  48. Self-Organizing Systems - forself-organization, memetics, evolution, philogeny, emergence, language, cognition, cybernetics, enaction.
  49. St.Petersburg Central R&D Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics
  50. Swedish Operational Research Association, Donald de Raadt donald.de.raadt@luth.se
  51. Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York, http://www.ssie.binghamton.edu
  52. Systems Science and Mathematics, Washington University at St. Louis, http://www.ssm.wustl.edu
  53. The Society for Computer Simulation International
  54. United Kingdom Cybernetics Society, Brian Warburton, BrWarburto@aol.com
  55. United Kingdom Systems Society, Daune West, West-CI0@paisley.ac.uk
  56. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Complex Systems Department
  57. University of Maryland Institute for Systems Research
  58. University of Michigan Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
  59. Washington Evolutionary Systems Society, Jerry Chandler, jlrchand@erols.com
  60. Web Directory: Complex Systems - WWW Virtual Library
  61. Weinberg, Gerald M.: http://www.geraldmweinberg.com
  62. World Transformation, http://www.worldtrans.org/whole.html
  63. World Future Society, David Woolfson, grtmill@idirect.com
  64. World Organization of Systems & Cybernetics, Stafford Beer, Robert Vallee, Markus Schwaninger, Markus.schwaninger@unisg.ch



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