Complexity Digest 2004.40
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(Chinese GB-Code) "I think
the next century will be the century of complexity." Stephen Hawking
01. Evolving Eco-system: A Network of Networks, Physica A
02. Why Giants Change Their Minds, Asian Case Res. J.
02.01. The Interplay Of Self-Interest And Equity In Coalition Formation, Euro.
J. Social Psycho.
03. Effective Communication, Darwin Mag
03.01. Emotional Ignorance, Darwin Mag
03.02. Have People Had Enough Of Silly Love Songs?, Alphagalileo
04. The First Gasp, Science
04.01. Dying to See, sciam.com
04.02. Vision In The Deep Sea, Biol. Rev.
05. Controlling Hurricanes, Scientific American
05.01. Earth's 'Hum' Springs From Stormy Seas, NewScientist
05.02. Tuning In the Planet's Hum, Science Now
05.03. The Parkfield Earthquake, Finally, Science
06. Heavy Breathing on Mars?, Science Now
06.01. Biogeochemistry: Early Options In Photosynthesis, Nature
07. The Hidden Genetic Program of Complex Organisms, Scientific American
07.01. Taxonomy Isn't Black And White, The Scientist
07.02. Secret Of Radiation-Proof Bugs Proposed, Nature News
07.03. When Bigger Isn't Better, Science Now
08. Athletics: Momentous Sprint At The 2156 Olympics?, Nature
08.01. Will Women Outpace Men In 2156?, Nature News
09. Human Populations Are Tightly Interwoven, Science News
09.01. Human Evolution: Pedigrees For All Humanity, Nature
09.02. New Evidence On The Earliest Human Presence At High Northern Latitudes
In Northeast Asia, Nature
09.03. Has The Combination Of Genetic And Fossil Evidence Solved The Riddle Of
Modern Human Origins?, Evol. Anthrop.: Issues, News, & Rev.
09.04. Modelling The Recent Common Ancestry Of All Living Humans, Nature
10. St. Pete Programmers Best in World at Simulation Soccer, St Petersburg
10.01. Statistical Mechanics of Spatial Evolutionary Games, arXiv
11. The Internet of Things, Scientific American
11.01. Clever Cars Can Read Road Signs, NewScientist
11.02. Video Disks Ditch Binary Storage, Nature News
11.03. Good Vibrations in the Nanoworld, Max Planck Society Press Release
12. Accelerator Physics: Electrons Hang Ten On Laser Wake, Nature
12.01. Surf's Up for Small Accelerators, Science Now
13. Clones May Aid Work On Motor Neuron Disease, Nature News
13.01. Drugs Delivered By Robots In The Blood, NewScientist
14. Knock Knock Knocking On Rhythm's Neural Doors, bio.com
15. Americans Win Nobel for Research on Smell, NPR ME
15.01. How the Nose Knows, Science Now
16. Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, Book Announcement, Routledge
16.01. Open-Source Biology, Nature
17. How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence, NY Times
18. Playing With the Election Rules, NY Times
18.01. Barriers to Student Voting, NY Times
18.02. Fixing the Vote, Scientific American
19. Complex Challenges: Global Terroist Networks
19.01. Playing Nuclear Keepaway, and Losing, NPR ATC
19.02. The Threat Of Nuclear Terror, Haaretz
19.03. F.B.I. Said to Lag on Translations of Terror Tapes, NY Times
20. Links & Snippets
20.01. Other Publications
20.02. Webcast Announcements
20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements
01. Evolving Eco-system: A Network of Networks , Physica A
Abstract: Ecology and evolution are inseparable. Motivated by some recent
experiments, we have developed models of evolutionary ecology from the
perspective of dynamic networks. In these models, in addition to the intra-node
dynamics, which corresponds to an individual-based population dynamics of
species, the entire network itself changes slowly with time to capture
evolutionary processes. After a brief summary of our recent published works on
these network models of eco-systems, we extend the most recent version of the
model incorporating predators that wander into neighbouring spatial patches for
* Evolving Eco-system: A Network of Networks, Debashish Chowdhury , Dietrich
Stauffer , 2004/09/17, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2004.08.051, Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, Article in Press, Uncorrected Proof
* Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
02. Why Giants Change Their Minds , Asian Case Res. J.
Excerpts: Both Matsushita and Sony were (...) facing the same problem:
escalating manufacturing costs in Japan were eroding Japan's traditional
advantages in manufacturing, especially when its neighbor China was emerging as
the "workshop of the world" with low cost advantage. (...) While
aggressively moved its manufacturing business to China, Sony suddenly shifted
some of its production back to Japan. Matsushita's and Sony's supply-chain
rebuilding strategies were diametric opposites with the same objectives - to
improve their competitiveness by optimizing their critical success factors
across their supply chains. Today's competition is not really company versus
company, but supply chain versus supply chain. (...)
* Why Giants Change Their Minds, B. Jiang binjiang@marshall.usc.edu
, W.
Willette , Jun. 2004, DOI: 10.1142/S0218927504000453, Asian Case Research
* Contributed by Pritha Das
02.01. The Interplay Of Self-Interest And Equity In Coalition Formation , Euro.
J. Social Psycho.
Excerpts: In this paper we investigated the interplay of self-interest and
equity concerns in coalition formation by manipulating the number of units in
which the coalition payoff is made available, and by manipulating the way
people are allowed to interact. Results of three experiments showed that when
the coalition payoff was such that members of each possible coalition could
obtain an equitable payoff share, the outcome tended to be coalitions that also
maximized the payoff of its members. (...)
* The Interplay Of Self-Interest And Equity In Coalition Formation, I. van
Beest vanbeest@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
, E. van Dijk , H. Wilke , Sep.-Oct. 2004,
Online 2004/08/09, DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.216, European Journal of Social Psychology
* Contributed by Atin Das
03. Effective Communication , Darwin Mag
Excerpt: "When communicated, the amount is high and consistent and
worded, it's just not frequent enough. The difficulty is when to communicate
things. If too early, inaccurate conclusions can be drawn. If too late,
complaints surface about not being in the know."
True communication obviously means getting company information from more than
just the top leaders.
"To truly understand what is going on, communication with others in the
organization is important," (...).
"We need to do a better job of being on the same page with each
* Effective Communication, Chuck Martin , 04/09, Darwin Mag
03.01. Emotional Ignorance , Darwin Mag
Excerpt: Emotional intelligence is the awareness of usually unspoken wants,
needs and fears in others and in oneself that can significantly influence
business interactions. One further step: it connotes a facility for using that
awareness to achieve favorable outcomes.
Unfortunately, IT people too often minimize the importance of emotional
understanding and do so at their own risk.
Emotional intelligence is lacking when, instead of accurate awareness,
perceptions are marred by misconceptions.
* Emotional Ignorance, Mark Goulston , 04/09, Darwin Mag
03.02. Have People Had Enough Of Silly Love Songs? , Alphagalileo
Excerpts: A University of Southampton academic, who is investigating love songs
from the 16th century to the 1970s, claims that not only is that not the case,
but also that song plays a vital role in constructing myths of romantic love.
The research, (...) investigates the relationship between song and romance,
tracing the different ways that songs interact with other media, such as novels
and films, to articulate the prevailing social views of their time. Its
particular focus is on songs that occupy an uneasy place between classical and
popular music, high art and ephemera: the kind of songs we love, (...).
* Have People Had Enough Of Silly Love Songs?, V. Bridge v.bridge@leeds.ac.uk
2004/09/28, Alphagalileo & University of Southampton
* Contributed by Atin Das
04. The First Gasp , Science
Excerpt: After popping through the birth canal and into the bright lights,
babies must start breathing on their own. Before that first piercing scream, a
complex genetic signaling has spent weeks getting ready for the first gulp of
air. Now, scientists have finally identified the taskmaster that switches on
the cellular players. Eventually, the results could help both premature babies
and sick adults.
(...) the lungs begin making surfactant proteins that decrease the surface
tension of the lungs' mucus lining, which is necessary to prevent the lungs
from collapsing when filled with air.
* The First Gasp, 04/09/29, Science Now
04.01. Dying to See , sciam.com
Excerpt: Studies of the lens of the eye not only could reveal ways to prevent
cataracts but also might illuminate the biology of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and
other diseases in which cells commit suicide.
The lens of the eye is the only transparent tissue in the human body. (...),
scientists have determined that this transparency--critical for focusing
light--stems in large part from the unique ability of the lens to activate a
self-destruct program in its cells that aborts just before completion, leaving
empty but sustainable cells that transmit visible rays.
* Dying to See, Ralf Dahm
04.02. Vision In The Deep Sea , Biol. Rev.
Excerpts: (...) changing nature of visual scenes with depth - from extended
source to point source - has had a profound effect on the designs of deep-sea
eyes. (...) In fishes, the retinal ganglion cells are also frequently arranged
in a horizontal visual streak, an adaptation for viewing the wide flat horizon
of the sea floor, and all animals living there. These and many other aspects
(...) are reviewed in support of the following conclusion: it is not only the
intensity of light at different depths, but also its distribution in space,
which has been a major force in the evolution of deep-sea vision. (...)
* Vision In The Deep Sea, E. J. Warrant Eric.Warrant@cob.lu.se
, N. A. Locket ,
Aug. 2004, DOI: 10.1017/S1464793103006420, Biological Reviews
* Contributed by Pritha Das
05. Controlling Hurricanes , Scientific American
MASSIVE HURRICANE with a well-developed eye, as seen from the space
Atlantis in November 1994.
A chaotic system is one that appears to behave randomly but is, in fact,
governed by rules. It is also highly sensitive to initial conditions, so that
seemingly insignificant, arbitrary inputs can have profound effects that lead
quickly to unpredictable consequences. In the case of hurricanes, small changes
in such features as the ocean's temperature, the location of the large-scale
wind currents (which drive the storms' movements), or even the shape of the
rain clouds spinning around the eye can strongly influence a hurricane's
potential path and power.
* Controlling Hurricanes, Ross N. Hoffman , 04/10, Scientific American
05.01. Earth's 'Hum' Springs From Stormy Seas , NewScientist
Excerpt: They worked out the direction that the hum signal was travelling on
each of 60 earthquake-free days Earth experienced in one year. Using the
directions measured at the two distant networks, they could trace the seismic
signal back to its source.
During January and March, the hum came mainly from the North Pacific Ocean.
Then the source swapped to the southern oceans around Antarctica, before
shifting north again in October. Therefore, the hum appears to follow winter in
each hemisphere, when ocean storms are at their worst.
* Earth's 'Hum' Springs From Stormy Seas, Jenny Hogan , 04/09/29, New Scientist
05.02. Tuning In the Planet's Hum , Science Now
Feel the vibration. Large ocean waves, such as these produced by storms in the
Southern Hemisphere, make Earth ring like a bell.
The results support a scenario put forward last year by seismologist Toshiro
Tanimoto of UC Santa Barbara, in which ocean waves with the proper timing--peak
to peak periods of about 3 to 5 minutes--excite the planet's hum by creating
oscillations that reach all the way to the bottom. "It's a nice piece of
Tanimoto comments. Still, he notes, some other researchers may question whether
the arrays of seismic instruments can reliably track the directions of the
barely perceptible vibrations.
* Tuning In the Planet's Hum, Robert Irion , 04/09/29, Science Now
05.03. The Parkfield Earthquake, Finally , Science
Long awaited. Today's Parkfield earthquake will be one of the best-studied
The anticipated quake was long overdue, but "it happened, and we caught
(...). The complex network of instruments installed around Parkfield should
make this "the most well-recorded earthquake in history," says
Michael Blanpied of USGS in Reston, Virginia. There were no immediate reports
of activity on the fault before the main shock, but future scrutiny of the
records of seismicity, strain, magnetism, water-well levels, and strong ground
motion should provide unprecedented detail of how fault ruptures get started,
propagate, and stop.
* The Parkfield Earthquake, Finally, RICHARD A. KERR , 04/09/28, Science
06. Heavy Breathing on Mars? , Science Now
Excerpt: Planetary scientists probing the martian atmosphere have found that
both methane and water tend to be concentrated over the same three equatorial
regions of Mars. The new find further stokes talk of life on Mars.
(...) the methane is concentrated over the same three equatorial
regions?...)--where water vapor is concentrated in the lower atmosphere. Those
are also three regions, Formisano says, where the U.S. Mars Odyssey orbiter has
detected signs of water in the upper meter of martian soil, in the form of ice
or hydrated minerals.
* Heavy Breathing on Mars?, 04/09/29, Science Now
06.01. Biogeochemistry: Early Options In Photosynthesis , Nature
Excerpt: On page 549 of this issue, Tice and Lowe add a twist to
this debate
[biological vs non-biological origin of fossils, Ed.] with data from the
3,416-million-year-old rocks of the Buck Reef Chert in South Africa. They
provide convincing evidence that the organic matter preserved in these rocks is
of biological, not hydrothermal, origin. But they do not return to the view of
an early Archaean Earth inhabited by oxygen-producing cyanobacteria. Rather,
their picture is one in which non-oxygen-producing (anoxygenic) photosynthetic
microbes existed in an ecosystem that was fundamentally different from that of
* Biogeochemistry: Early Options In Photosynthesis , Nicolas Beukes ,
04/09/30, DOI: 10.1038/431522b, Nature 431, 522
07. The Hidden Genetic Program of Complex Organisms , Scientific American
Excerpt: Biologists assumed that proteins alone regulate the genes of humans
and other complex organisms. But an overlooked regulatory system based on RNA
may hold the keys to development and evolution.
Assumptions can be dangerous, especially in science. (...)
The central dogma of molecular biology for the past half a century and more has
stated that genetic information encoded in DNA is transcribed as intermediary
molecules of RNA, (...). The prevailing assumption, embodied in the credo
gene, one protein," has been that genes are generally synonymous with
* The Hidden Genetic Program of Complex Organisms, John S. Mattick ,
Scientific American
07.01. Taxonomy Isn't Black And White , The Scientist
Excerpt: DNA barcoding method put to the test reveals new cryptic bird and
butterfly species
[Studies using genetic barcoding methods, Ed] demonstrate that the neotropical
skipper butterfly Astraptes fulgerator is actually a species complex consisting
of at least 10 species.(...)
"Many fields need to draw on systematic expertise for the reliable
identification of species, but these potential users have limited access to
taxonomic experts. Genetic barcodes provide a kind of interface between
taxonomy and the users of taxonomic data," (...).
(...) DNA barcoding itself will evolve. "It will complement rather than
a 250-year tradition of Linnean taxonomy.
* Taxonomy Isn't Black And White, Nick Atkinson , 04/09/28, The Scientist
07.02. Secret Of Radiation-Proof Bugs Proposed , Nature News
Deinococcus radiodurans survives extreme blasts of radiation.
?Alexander Vasilenko
(...) a novel theory for how a tiny, tough bacterium can survive doses of
radiation 2,000 times those that would fry a person. (...)
Researchers know that the bug is particularly good at patching up DNA damage
wrought by radiation. (...)
By comparing bacteria with different sensitivities to radiation, the team found
that the most resistant bacteria tend to store up high levels of manganese and
relatively low levels of iron. By contrast, the bacteria that shrivel up at a
hint of radiation have little manganese and more iron.
* Secret Of Radiation-Proof Bugs Proposed, Helen Pearson , 04/09/30,
07.03. When Bigger Isn't Better , Science Now
Excerpt: The evolution of bigger bodies and fussier food preferences led to the
demise of ancient dogs. Researchers combing the fossil record back to 50
million years have discovered that the switch to an Atkins-like diet of meat,
meat, and more meat made these early carnivores susceptible to extinction.
Surprisingly, the fossil record shows over and over again that once species get
big, they tend to disappear. (...)
(...) once animals specialize for capturing big prey, they can't evolve back to
eating smaller prey or vegetation.
* When Bigger Isn't Better, Elizabeth Pennisi , 04/10/01, Science Now
08. Athletics: Momentous Sprint At The 2156 Olympics? , Nature
Excerpt: Women sprinters are closing the gap on men and may one day overtake
The remarkably strong linear trends that were first highlighted over ten years
ago persist for the Olympic 100-metre sprints. There is no indication that a
plateau has been reached by either male or female athletes (...).
Should these trends continue, the projections will intersect at the 2156
Olympics, when ?for the first time ever ?the winning women's 100-metre sprint
time of 8.079 seconds will be lower than that of the men's winning time of
8.098 seconds.
* Athletics: Momentous Sprint At The 2156 Olympics? , Andrew J. Tatem , Carlos
A. Guerra , Peter M. Atkinson , Simon I. Hays , 04/09/30, DOI:
10.1038/431525a, Nature 431, 525
08.01. Will Women Outpace Men In 2156? , Nature News
Exercise experts question the prediction that women will outpace men.
The conventional view is that there are basic differences between male and
female physiology that mean men will always maintain around a 10% advantage in
strength and endurance sports. Because the new analysis ignores this, "it
flawed at a fundamental level," (...).
For example, testosterone in men tends to create more muscle and
oxygen-carrying haemoglobin than women possess. And female reproductive
hormones mean that women, including super-lean athletes, tend to carry around
more fat for their body weight than men, and this slows them down.
* Will Women Outpace Men In 2156?, Helen Pearson , 04/09/29, Nature News
09. Human Populations Are Tightly Interwoven , Science News
Excerpt: The most recent common ancestor of all humanity lived just a few
thousand years ago, according to a computer model of our family tree.
Researchers have calculated that the mystery person, from whom everyone alive
today is directly descended, probably lived around 1,500 BC in eastern Asia.
(...) computer program to simulate the migration and breeding of humans across
the world. By estimating how different groups intermingle, the researchers
built up a picture of how tightly the world's ancestral lines are linked
Editor's Note: For the record: I think this will be shown to be a wrong
* Human Populations Are Tightly Interwoven, Michael Hopkin , 04/09/29,
09.01. Human Evolution: Pedigrees For All Humanity , Nature
Excerpt: At a certain point in history (the 'identical ancestors' point),
people can be divided into two groups: either they are common ancestors of all
present-day humans, or their lineages have died out. Being the ancestor of only
some living humans is not an option. (...) In the simplest model, the fraction
of 'ancestors-of-all' is about 80%, and in most estimates so far, the time back
to the 'identical ancestors' point is a bit less than twice the number of
generations back to the first universal ancestor.
* Human Evolution: Pedigrees For All Humanity, Jotun Hein , 04/09/30, DOI:
10.1038/431518a, Nature 431, 518 - 519
09.02. New Evidence On The Earliest Human Presence At High Northern Latitudes
In Northeast Asia , Nature
Excerpt: The timing of early human dispersal to Asia is a central issue in the
study of human evolution. (...)
The lowest layer, about 1.66 million years old (Myr), provides the oldest
record of stone-tool processing of animal tissues in east Asia.
(...) only slightly younger than that in western Asia. This result implies that
a long yet rapid migration from Africa, possibly initiated during a phase of
warm climate, enabled early human populations to inhabit northern latitudes of
east Asia over a prolonged period.
* New Evidence On The Earliest Human Presence At High Northern Latitudes In
Northeast Asia , R. X. Zhu , R. Potts , F. Xie , K. A. Hoffman , C. L. Deng ,
C. D. Shi , Y. X. Pan , H. Q. Wang , R. P. Shi , Y. C. Wang , G. H. Shi ,
Q. Wu, , 04/09/30, DOI: 10.1038/nature02829, Nature 431, 559 - 562
09.03. Has The Combination Of Genetic And Fossil Evidence Solved The Riddle Of
Modern Human Origins? , Evol. Anthrop.: Issues, News, & Rev.
Excerpts: Debate over the origin of modern humans continues (...). Currently,
the genetic and fossil evidence is still used to support two different
interpretations of the origin of modern humans. Some researchers claim that the
genetic evidence is compatible with either an Out-of-Africa or a Multiregional
model, while other scientists argue that the evidence supports only a
Multiregional model of evolution. I argue that the fossil record and
archeological evidence constrain interpretation of the genetic evidence and
imply that very little, if any, admixture with Eurasian archaic hominins such
as the Neanderthals occurred during the spread of modern humans out of Africa.
* Has The Combination Of Genetic And Fossil Evidence Solved The Riddle Of
Modern Human Origins?, O. M. Pearson ompear@unm.edu
, Sep. 2004, Online
2004/07/29, DOI: 10.1002/evan.20017, Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News,
and Reviews
* Contributed by Atin Das
09.04. Modelling The Recent Common Ancestry Of All Living Humans , Nature
Excerpt: Here we show that recent common ancestors also emerge from two models
incorporating substantial population substructure. One model, (...), yields
explicit mathematical results through a probabilistic analysis. A more
elaborate second model, designed to capture historical population dynamics in a
more realistic way, is analysed computationally through Monte Carlo
simulations. These analyses suggest that the genealogies of all living humans
overlap in remarkable ways in the recent past. In particular, the MRCA [most
recent common ancestor, Ed.] of all present-day humans lived just a few
thousand years ago in these models.
* Modelling The Recent Common Ancestry Of All Living Humans , Douglas L. T.
Rohde , Steve Olson , Joseph T. Chang , 04/09/30, DOI:
Nature 431, 562 - 566
10. St. Pete Programmers Best in World at Simulation Soccer , St Petersburg
Excerpt: Whereas artificial intelligence programmers once poured their energies
into developing programs that could master the royal game of chess, there is
now a worldwide effort to produce machines that can play the more proletarian
game of football.(...)
"Each virtual soccer player should make accurate passes, and make exact
between the goalposts," he said.
"But the most complicated task is that it should be able to make decisions
depending on the situation: whether he should take the ball forward himself,
pass it to a partner, or make a strike at the goal," he said.
* St. Pete Programmers Best in World at Simulation Soccer, Irina Titova ,
2004/10/01, St Petersburg Times
* Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
10.01. Statistical Mechanics of Spatial Evolutionary Games , arXiv
Abstract: We discuss the long-run behavior of stochastic dynamics of many
interacting players in spatial evolutionary games. In particular, we
investigate the effect of the number of players and the noise level on the
stochastic stability of Nash equilibria. We discuss similarities and
differences between systems of interacting players maximizing their individual
payoffs and particles minimizing their interaction energy. We use concepts and
techniques of statistical mechanics to study game-theoretic models. In order to
obtain results in the case of the so-called potential games, we analyze the
thermodynamic limit of the appropriate models of interacting particles.
* Statistical Mechanics of Spatial Evolutionary Games, Jacek Miekisz ,
2004/09/24, DOI: cond-mat/0210094, arXiv
* Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
11. The Internet of Things , Scientific American
Excerpt: The principles that gave rise to the Internet are now leading to a new
kind of network of everyday devices, an "Internet-0" (...)
Unfortunately, a similar unification has yet to happen for the electronic
infrastructure in a building. Switches, sockets and thermostats are grafted on
as afterthoughts to the architecture, with functions fixed by buried wiring.
Appliances and computers arrive as after-the-fact intrusions. Almost nothing
talks to anything else, as evidenced by the number of devices in a typical
house or office with differing opinions as to the time of day.
* The Internet of Things, Neil Gershenfeld , Raffi Krikorian , Danny Cohen
04/10, Scientific American
11.01. Clever Cars Can Read Road Signs , NewScientist
Excerpt: Eventually, GPS-based systems could entirely replace road signs, but
until then, ideas like the new driver assistance system (DAS) developed at the
National Information and Communications Technology Australia (NICTA) lab in
Canberra may help.
DAS uses three cameras: one to scan the road ahead and a pair to monitor where
the driver is looking. The road camera is mounted on the rear view mirror and a
"gaze monitoring?pair are set on either side of the instrument panel on the
Editor's Note: A simple system to reduce involuntary speeding (happened to me
frequently in fast rental cars) would be to attach a transmitter to road signs
that could communicate directly with the cruise control system of the car.
* Clever Cars Can Read Road Signs, Duncan Graham-Rowe , 04/09/30,
11.02. Video Disks Ditch Binary Storage , Nature News
Excerpt: The disk, called MODS, for Multiplexed Optical Data Storage, could
easily store all 350 episodes of The Simpsons (...)
DVDs and compact disks store their information in the form of a microscopic
groove pitted with tiny ledges and troughs. (...)
This is a purely binary system ?(...).
They created a groove with troughs sunk at any one of 332 different angles -
equivalent to counting with 332 digits instead of just 2, or spelling with 332
different letters instead of just a and b.
* Video Disks Ditch Binary Storage, Michael Hopkin , 04/09/27, Nature News
11.03. Good Vibrations in the Nanoworld , Max Planck Society Press Release
Abb.: A nanotube under the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope. The tip
moves along the axis of the tube probing with atomic spatial resolution the
vibrational modes of the tube at different positions. At defects (e.g. where
the diameter of the tube suddenly becomes smaller) the vibrational properties
change drastically.
Image: Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
The unique electrical and mechanical properties of nanotubes are highly
dependent on the absence or presence of defects on the atomic scale. Very much
as the sound of a violin string degrades when the string is damaged, the
vibrational motion of carbon nanotubes reflects mechanical strength or softness
and depends critically on the perfection of the carbon structure on the atomic
scale. To extend our knowledge about how defects influence mechanical
properties it is highly desirable to be able to map the vibrational motion of
atoms in the carbon nanotube.
* Good Vibrations in the Nanoworld, , 04/09/27, Max Planck Society Press
12. Accelerator Physics: Electrons Hang Ten On Laser Wake , Nature
Excerpt: Electrons can be accelerated by making them surf a laser-driven plasma
wave. High acceleration rates, and now the production of well-populated,
high-quality beams, signal the potential of this table-top technology.(...)
Using the radiation pressure of a laser to drive a compressive oscillation in
the plasma (like a sound wave, (...)), electrons have been accelerated from
rest to an energy of 100 megaelectronvolts (MeV) within a distance of 1 mm
?more than 5,000 times shorter than the distance required to reach that energy
in a conventional accelerator.
* Accelerator Physics: Electrons Hang Ten On Laser Wake, Thomas Katsouleas
04/09/30, DOI: 10.1038/431515a, Nature 431, 515 - 516
12.01. Surf's Up for Small Accelerators , Science Now
As the light pulse travels through the plasma, it pushes negatively charged
electrons, creating a region of excess positive ions that trails behind the
light. Other electrons then rush to that spot, forming a region of negative
charge following close behind the positive one. Between these positively and
negatively charged tag-along regions arises a huge wave-like electric field,
known as a "wakefield," that still other electrons can surf to gain
amounts of energy in a very short distance.
* Surf's Up for Small Accelerators, Adrian Cho , 04/10/04, Science Now
13. Clones May Aid Work On Motor Neuron Disease , Nature News
Excerpt: The British scientist who created Dolly the sheep has applied for a
licence to clone human embryos in the search for treatments for motor neuron
disease. If approved, the research should give experts a far better picture of
what happens to the dying brain cells that characterize this condition. (...)
Motor neuron disease, a range of related conditions including amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, (...), causes around 1,000 deaths in Britain every year. The
brain cells that govern movement gradually die off, leaving sufferers paralysed
but, usually, with their intellect intact.
* Clones May Aid Work On Motor Neuron Disease, Michael Hopkin , 04/09/28,
Nature News
13.01. Drugs Delivered By Robots In The Blood , NewScientist
Excerpt: The 3 millimetre-long triangular machine was constructed by Tao Mei of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and colleagues from the University of
Science and Technology of China.
The craft is propelled using an external magnetic field which controls its
microscopic fins. The fins are made from an alloy that contracts in response to
application of the field. Applying the field quickly makes the tiny submersible
paddle forwards and gradually switching the field off slowly moves the fins
back to their original position.
* Drugs Delivered By Robots In The Blood, Will Knight , 04/10/01,
14. Knock Knock Knocking On Rhythm's Neural Doors , bio.com
Excerpt: Drum the tip of a finger on a typewriter key quickly "eeeeee."
stop and type "e" take a moment, type "e," take another
moment, type "e" again.
The motion in both cases is exactly the same, performed by the same finger.
But the brain processes that make the two different streams of 'e's are utterly
different, according to a study done by a University of Southern California
neural specialist and colleagues.(...)
Discrete activity was much more extensive, including numerous areas on both
sides of the brain, (...).
* Knock Knock Knocking On Rhythm's Neural Doors, 04/09/27, Bio.com
15. Americans Win Nobel for Research on Smell , NPR ME
Excerpt: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine this year goes to two
Americans who have puzzled out the sense of smell. Richard Axel and Linda Buck
will split $1.4 million for discovering how chemicals in the air trigger
thousands of recognizably different odors.
* Americans Win Nobel for Research on Smell, Steve Inskeep , Richard Knox
04/10/04, NPR ME
15.01. How the Nose Knows , Science Now
Excerpt: These proteins in the back of the nasal cavity bind to odorant
molecules that get sucked into the nose. That triggers a biochemical cascade,
ultimately generating a nerve impulse that transmits information about smell to
the brain. (...)
In a landmark 1991 paper in Cell, the pair described a family of about 1000
genes that encode olfactory receptors in rats. The receptor proteins were
familiar to researchers--they belonged to a large class of receptor proteins
involved in cell signaling--the so-called G-protein coupled receptors.
* How the Nose Knows, 04/10/04, Science Now
16. Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, Book Announcement , Routledge
Excerpt: The Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science provides complete coverage at
the introductory level of the field of nonlinear science, from intuitive
descriptions to mathematical concepts over a wide range of subject matters.
Comprised of 439 essays arranged alphabetically in one large volume, this
Encyclopedia covers subjects such as chaos and turbulence in addition to the
formation (emergence) and dynamics of coherent structure (solitons, nerve
impulses, shock waves, tornados, and so on). Entries describe basic phenomena
that arise in mathematics; theoretical and applied physics; chemistry; physical
chemistry; electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering; atmospheric and
earth sciences; biology; economics; and neuroscience; among several others.
* Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, Book Announcement, Alwyn Scott (Ed) ,
2004, Routledge
16.01. Open-Source Biology , Nature
Excerpt: Researchers and entrepreneurs alike should welcome a move to develop a
new commons in technological innovation.
With the research community increasingly frustrated by a growing forest of
patents around innovations in the biological sciences, an initiative to make
research tools from the life sciences open-source deserves to acquire some
The Biological Innovation for Open Society (BIOS) initiative (see page 494
makes a distinction between tools and applications of innovation. (...)
research tools should be freely available, much as operating systems,
programming languages and standards are shared by the open-source software
* Open-Source Biology, 04/09/30, DOI: 10.1038/431491b, Nature 431, 491
17. How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence , NY Times
Excerpt: The experts, at the Energy Department, believed the tubes were likely
intended for small artillery rockets.
The White House, though, embraced the disputed theory that the tubes were for
nuclear centrifuges, an idea first championed in April 2001 by a junior analyst
at the C.I.A. Senior nuclear scientists considered that notion implausible, yet
in the months after 9/11, as the administration built a case for confronting
Iraq, the centrifuge theory gained currency as it rose to the top of the
* How the White House Embraced Disputed Arms Intelligence, David Barstow ,
04/10/03, NYTimes
18. Playing With the Election Rules , NY Times
Excerpt: One of the lessons of the election mess in Florida in 2000 was that a
secretary of state can deprive a large number of people of the right to vote by
small manipulations of the rules. This year in Ohio and Colorado, (...), the
secretaries of state have been interpreting the rules in ways that could
prevent thousands of eligible Americans from voting.
(...) Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio's secretary of state, (...) to reject
registrations on paper of less than 80-pound stock - the sort used for
paperback-book covers and postcards, (...).
* Playing With the Election Rules, 04/09/30, NYTimes
18.01. Barriers to Student Voting , NY Times
Excerpt: In Texas this year, a county district attorney threatened to prosecute
students from Prairie View A&M University if they tried to register. The
students had to file a lawsuit before he withdrew the threat and apologized. A
student at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., was told that he was not a
"permanent resident" and had to vote from his parents' home in another
And a Fox affiliate in Tucson recently carried a report quoting an elections
official who warned, falsely, that University of Arizona students who
registered from their dorms might be committing a felony.
* Barriers to Student Voting, 04/09/28, NYTimes
18.02. Fixing the Vote , Scientific American
Excerpt: Voting may seem like a simple activity--cast ballots, then count them.
Complexity arises, however, because voters must be registered and votes must be
recorded in secrecy, transferred securely and counted accurately. We vote
rarely, so the procedure never becomes a well-practiced routine. One race
between two candidates is easy. Half a dozen races, each between several
candidates, and ballot measures besides--that's harder. This complex process is
so vital to our democracy that problems with it are as noteworthy as
engineering faults in a nuclear power plant.
* Fixing the Vote, Ted Selker , 04/10, Scientific American
19. Complex Challenges: Global Terroist Networks
19.01. Playing Nuclear Keepaway, and Losing , NPR ATC
Excerpt: Matthew Bunn is a nuclear weapons expert at Harvard University. In
this commentary, he says faster action is needed to keep nuclear bomb material
out of terrorist hands.
See also
Loose Nukes: Temporary or Permanent, Dean LeBaron video commentary, 04/09/27
* Playing Nuclear Keepaway, and Losing , 04/10/01, NPR ATC
19.02. The Threat Of Nuclear Terror , Haaretz
Excerpt: That danger is increasing because of the wild proliferation of nuclear
materials and know-how, as exemplified by the case of "the father of the
Pakistani atomic bomb," Abdul Qadeer Khan, who sold nuclear know-how to
rogue countries like Iran, Libya and North Korea.
* The Threat Of Nuclear Terror, Ze'ev Schiff, , 04/09/28, Haaretz
19.03. F.B.I. Said to Lag on Translations of Terror Tapes , NY Times
Excerpt: Three years after the Sept. 11 attacks, more than 120,000 hours of
potentially valuable terrorism-related recordings have not yet been translated
by linguists at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and computer problems may
have led the bureau to systematically erase some Qaeda recordings, according to
a declassified summary of a...
* F.B.I. Said to Lag on Translations of Terror Tapes, Eric Lichtblau ,
04/09/28, NYTimes
20. Links & Snippets
20.01. Other Publications
- Phase Transition and Pattern Formation in a Model of Collective Choice
Dynamics, Sitabhra Sinha , S. Raghavendra , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP
- Automated Pattern Detection--An Algorithm for Constructing Optimally
Synchronizing Multi-regular Language Filters, Carl S. McTague , James P.
Crutchfield , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-09-027
- Distribution and Patterns of CNSs in a Caenorhabditis Gene Family, Mark Bieda
, Colleen T. Webb , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-09-026
- Stability and Diversity in Collective Adaptation, Yuzuru Sato , Eizo Akiyama
, James P. Crutchfield , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-08-025
- Universality in Intermediary Metabolism, Fred Cooper , Bogdan Mihaila , John
Dawson , SFI Working Papers, DOI: SFI-WP 04-07-024
- Higher Order Complexity Of Time Series, F. Gu fjgu@fudan.edu.cn
, E. Shen ,
X. Meng , Y. Cao , Z. Cai , Aug. 2004, International Journal of
and Chaos, DOI: 10.1142/S021812740401093X
- Intermittent Chaotic Operation In Switching Power Converters, S. C. Wong
enscwong@polyu.edu.hk , C. K. Tse encktse@polyu.edu.hk
, K. C. Tam , Aug. 2004,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127404011077
- Dynamic Complexities In Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey Ecosystem Models With
Birth Pulse And Pesticide Pulse, J. Hui jinghui@mail.amss.ac.cn
, L.-S. Chen
lschen@math08.math.ac.cn , Aug.
2004, International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127404010916
- Chaos In A Nonlinear Analog Computer, K. Kiers knkiers@tayloru.edu
, T. Klein
klein@physics.umn.edu , J. Kolb jkolb@darkwing.uoregon.edu
, S. Price
price@physics.montana.edu , J. C.
Sportt sprott@physics.wisc.edu ,
Aug. 2004,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, DOI: 10.1142/S0218127404010898
- Pleistocene Migration Routes Into The Americas: Human Biological Adaptations
And Environmental Constraints, R. Hall , D. Roy , D. Boling , Sep.
Online 2004/07/29, Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews, DOI:
- Motivational Influence On The Quality Of Memories: Recall Of General
Autobiographical Memories Related To Desired Attributes, S. Brunot , R. B.
Sanitioso sanitioso@psycho.univ-paris5.fr
, Sep.-Oct. 2004, Online 2004/08/16,
European Journal of Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.220
- Predators Select Against High Growth Rates And Risk-Taking Behaviour In
Domestic Trout Populations, P. A. Biro , M. V. Abrahams , J. R. Post
, E. A.
Parkinson , 2004/09/27, Alphagalileo & Proc. B (Biological Sciences)
- Is Death-Feigning Adaptive? Heritable Variation In Fitness Difference Of
Death-Feigning Behaviour, T. Miyatake , K. Katayama , Y. Takeda
, A.
Nakashima , A. Sugita , M. Mizumoto , 2004/09/27, Alphagalileo &
Proc. B
(Biological Sciences)
- The Language Of Pain, V. Bridge v.bridge@leeds.ac.uk
, 2004/09/29,
Alphagalileo & University of Leeds
- 'Fossil Genes' Reveal How Life Sheds Form And Function, 2004/09/27,
ScienceDaily & University Of Wisconsin-Madison
- Giving Computers The Jitters Helps Explain Human Behavior, 2004/09/29,
ScienceDaily & Pennsylvania State University
- Punching The Timeclock Of Life, 2004/09/29, ScienceDaily & University Of
Southern California
- Brain-scanning Life's Memories Yields New Insights, 2004/09/30, ScienceDaily
& Duke University
- Vegetation Dynamics - Simulating Responses To Climatic Change, F. I. Woodward
f.i.woodward@sheffield.ac.uk ,
M. R. Lomas , Aug. 2004, Biological Reviews,
DOI: 10.1017/S1464793103006419
- Social Influences On Mammalian Circadian Rhythms: Animal And Human Studies,
R. E. Mistlberger mistlber@sfu.ca , D. J.
Skene , Aug. 2004, Biological
Reviews, DOI: 10.1017/S1464793103006353
- Neglected Consequences: Role Of Introduced Aquatic Species In The Spread Of
Infectious Diseases, K. Levy klevy@nature.berkeley.edu
, Sep. 2004, EcoHealth,
DOI: 10.1007/s10393-004-0005-x
- Noisy Chaotic Dynamics In Commodity Markets, C. Kyrtsou ckyrtsok@uom.gr
, W.
C. Labys wlabys@wvu.edu , M. Terraza mterraza@lameta.univ-montp1.fr
, Sep.
2004, Empirical Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s00181-003-0180-6
- Falling Paper: Navier-Stokes Solutions, Model of Fluid Forces, and Center of
Mass Elevation, Umberto Pesavento1 , Z. Jane Wang , 04/09/27,
Computed vorticity field along the path of a tumbling plate (in white) falling
through a fluid. The plate's center of mass briefly rises as it completes its
turn, in a manner similar to that of falling leaves, due to an aerodynamic
force from the coupling of translational and rotational motions.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 144501, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.144501
- Robot Uses Whiskers To Get Around, 04/09/30, NewScientist
- Horrific Death Toll In Darfur Revealed, Katharine Davis , 04/10/01,
- Invisible Gorilla Steals Ig Nobel Prize, Jeff Hecht , 04/10/01,
- Microchip Imperfections Could Cut Cloning, 04/10/04, NewScientist
- Area Codes, Now Divorced From Their Areas, Ian Urbina , 04/10/01,
- Teaching Computers To Fold Proteins, Ole Winther Anders Krogh ,
Phys. Rev. E 70, 030903(R)
- Quantum Models Of The Mind: Are They Compatible With Environment
Decoherence?, Luiz Pinguelli Rosa , Jean Faber , 04/09/15, Phys. Rev. E
- Complex Dynamics Of The Formation Of Spatially Localized Standing Structures
In The Vicinity Of Saddle-Node Bifurcations Of Waves In The Reaction-Diffusion
Model Of Blood Clotting, E. S. Lobanova , E. E. Shnol , F. I. Ataullakhanov
, 04/09/14, Phys. Rev. E 70, 032903
- Self-Organization Of Collaboration Networks, Jos?J. Ramasco , S. N.
Dorogovtsev , Romualdo Pastor-Satorras , 04/09/14, Phys. Rev. E 70, 036106
- Fractal Aircraft Trajectories And Nonclassical Turbulent Exponents, S.
Lovejoy , D. Schertzer , A. F. Tuck , 04/09/16, Phys. Rev. E 70, 036306
- Iraq Study Sees Rebels' Attacks as Widespread, James Glanz , Thom Shanker
04/09/29, NYTimes, Resistance to the occupation of Iraq is more widespread than
the pockets of insurgency described by Iraqi officials, data shows.
- I.B.M. Supercomputer Sets World Record for Speed, John Markoff , 04/09/29,
NYTimes, An I.B.M. machine has reclaimed the title of fastest supercomputer,
overtaking a Japanese computer that had caused shock waves at United States
government agencies when it set a computing speed record in 2002.
- The Moog Synthesizer Makes a Comeback, David Bernstein , 04/09/29,
A growing number of contemporary musicians and techno enthusiasts have
reignited interest in the Moog, which can synthesize any sound imaginable.
- Sentenced to Be Raped, Nicholas D. Kristof , 04/09/29, NYTimes, I haven't
found Osama bin Laden yet, but I did come across someone even more
extraordinary in a remote part of Pakistan.
- Prewar Assessment on Iraq Saw Chance of Strong Divisions, Douglas Jehl ,
David E. Sanger , 04/09/28, NYTimes, The administration was warned of the
potential costly consequences of a U.S.-led invasion two months before the war
- Key Part of Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutional -- , 04/09/29, The Washington
Post, Internet Providers' Data at Issue
- Winning the Peace for Afghans, Nicholas D. Kristof , 04/10/02, NYTimes,
Afghanistan shows real promise in the north, but is falling apart in the rural
areas of the south.
- Banks Sound Alarm On Online Fraud, 04/10/01, BBC News, The banking industry
warns customers with online accounts to guard against a new wave of
sophisticated cyber-fraud.
- DVDs Could Hold '100 Times More', 04/09/28,
All the episodes of The Simpsons could fit on one disk
BBC News.
- Flash, Big Bang, Wallop! What A Picture!, 04/10/02,
mage courtesy of Nasa (Cobe group)
BBC News, Simon Singh, author of a new book about the Big Bang, explains why a
picture is worth a thousand words.
- 2004 Ig Nobel Prizes Announced, 04/10/01, This year's awards honor work on
country music, farting fish, and comb-over
Science Now
- Diatoms Deciphered, 04/10/01, Science Now,
DNA confirms the strange algae's chimeric nature
- Support Sought To Investigate Sluggish Pioneers, Jim Giles , 04/09/30, Nature
431, 494 - 495. Physicists study mystery of slow-moving spacecraft., DOI:
- Hormone Therapy: A Dangerous Elixir?, Helen Pearson , 04/09/30, Nature 431,
500 - 501. Testosterone therapy jacks up vigour, sex drive and mental
acuity ?or so proponents claim. But are those who experiment with this
potent sex
hormone gambling with their health?, DOI: 10.1038/431500a
- Aquaculture: Fishing For Trouble, Rex Dalton , 04/09/30, Nature 431, 502 -
504. Plans to push tuna farms out into open waters off the coast of the United
States are raising an environmental alarm., DOI: 10.1038/431502a
- Cosmology: What is dark energy?, Lawrence M. Krauss , 04/09/30, Nature
519 - 520, DOI: 10.1038/431519b
- Phenotypic Consequences Of 1,000 Generations Of Selection At Elevated CO2 In
A Green Alga , Sinéad Collins , Graham Bell , 04/09/30, Nature 431, 566 - 569,
DOI: 10.1038/nature02945
- Immunology of Multiple Sclerosis , Mireia Sospedra , Roland Martin
, Annual Review of Immunology; Volume 23
- Macrophage Receptors and Immune Recognition , Philip R. Taylor , Luisa
Martinez-Pomares , Martin J. Stacey , Hsi-Hsien Lin , Gordon D. Brown , Siamon
, Annual Review of Immunology; Volume 23
- Forbidden Songs , Chris Summers , Dominic Bailey , 04/10/03, BBC News,
ballads about Mexico's drug cartels are being banned
- In Evolution, a Taste for Beauty Has a Purpose , Christopher Joyce ,
04/10/04, NPR ME, An appreciation for beauty may play a vital role in
evolution. Female bowerbirds, for example, choose mates based on the aesthetics
of their mating dance. Human behavior is more complex, but scientists say our
love of beauty has also helped us survive.
- The Brain Goes Bilingual, John Bohannon , 04/10/04,
Hardwired. The brains of those who struggle to learn a new language may have
trouble processing phonetic information of unfamiliar words.
Science Now
- Buckyballs At Bat: Toxic Nanomaterials Get A Tune-Up, Alexandra Goho ,
04/10/02, Science News, The soccer-ball-shaped carbon molecules known as
buckyballs are toxic to human cells, yet coating the particles can switch off
their toxicity.
- Beat Goes On: Carp Heart Keeps Pace When Fish Lacks Oxygen, 04/10/02, Science
News, Without oxygen, a Scandinavian fish not only can survive but also
maintains a normal heartbeat for days.
- Two-Headed Memories: Collaboration Gives Recall Lift To Elderly, 04/10/02,
Science News, Collaboration with a spouse improves the accuracy of older
people's memories on tasks such as remembering items on a shopping list or
identifying familiar landmarks on a local map.
- Oddballs, 04/10/02, Science News, Mathematicians have found that it's easier
to pack spheres in some dimensions than it is in others.
- The Tree Of Life, With Tangled Roots, 04/10/02, Science News,Two ancient,
rudimentary organisms merged to create the first complex cell, new data
20.02. Webcast Announcements
The 4th Intl Workshop on Meta-synthesis and Complex System, Beijing, China,
Intl Conf on Complex Networks: Structure, Function and Processes, Kolkata,
India, 04/06/27-30
From Autopoiesis to Neurophenomenology: A Tribute to Francisco Varela
(1946-2001), Paris, France, 2004/06/18-20
ECC8 Experimental Chaos Conference, Florence, Italy,
Evolutionary Epistemology, Language, and Culture, Brussels, Belgium,
International Conference on Complex Systems 2004, Boston, 04/05/16-21
Life, a Nobel Story, Brussels, Belgium, 04/04/28
Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics Days, Brussels, Belgium,
Science Education Forum for Chinese Language Culture, Panel Discussion, Taipei,
Taiwan, 04/05/01
Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology, ,
Lausanne,Switzerland, 04/01/29-30
Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: Lab Demonstrations, Strogatz, Steven H.,
Internet-First University Press, 1994
World Economic Forum 2004, Davos, Switzerland Riding the Next
Wave, Al-Thani, Khan, Vike-Freiberga, Wade, Soros, Zakaria, World Economic
Forum, 04/01/25
The Future of Global Interdependence, Kharrazi, Held, Owens, Shourie,
Martin, Schwab, World Economic Forum, 04/01/25 Why Victory Against
Demands Shared Values
CODIS 2004, International Conference On Communications, Devices And
Intelligent Systems, 2004 Calcutta, India, 04/01/09-10 EVOLVABILITY &
INTERACTION: Evolutionary Substrates of Communication, Signaling, and
Perception in the Dynamics of Social Complexity, London, UK, 03/10/08-10 The
Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Po tential and Practicalities,
Bucharest, Romania, 03/07/28-08/08 ECAL 2003, 7th European Conference on
Artificial Life, Dortmund, Germany, 03/09/14-17 New Santa Fe Institute
President About His Vision for SFI's Future Role, (Video, Santa Fe, NM,
03/06/04) SPIE's 1st Intl Symp on Fluctuations and Noise, Santa Fe, NM,
2003/06/01-04 NAS Sackler Colloquium on Mapping Knowledge Domains, Video/Audio
Report, 03/05/11 13th Ann Intl Conf, Soc f Chaos Theory in Psych & Life
Sciences, Boston, MA, USA, 2003/08/08-10 CERN Webcast Service, Streamed videos
of Archived Lectures and Live Events Dean LeBaron's Archive of Daily Video
Commentary, Ongoing Since February 1998 Edge Videos
20.03. Conference & Call for Papers Announcements
Gabriele Leidloff, Ugly Casting 1.4 , Berlin, Germany, 04/08/19-10/08
3rd Natll Conf on Systems Science ,
Trento (Italy), 04/10/07-09
TEDMED Conference ,
Charleston SC, 04/10/12-15
Intl Workshop On Bifurcations In Nonsmooth And Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Milano (Italy), 04/10/21-22
Technology Conference, Champaign, Illinois,
6th Intl Conf on Electronic Commerce
ICEC'2004: Towards A New Services Landscape, Delft, The Netherlands,
Complexity and Philosophy Workshop - 2-Day Conference , Rio
de Janeiro,
ICDM '04: The Fourth IEEE Intl Conf on Data Mining, Brighton, UK, 04/11/01-04
International Congress of Nanotechnology and Nano World Expo,San Francisco, CA,
Denaturing Darwin: International Conference on Evolution and Organization
, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 04/11/12-14
The 7th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference, Queensland,
17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Australia, 04/12/06-10
Cellular Computing Symposium, U Warwick
(UK), 04/12/09-10
International Conference On Computational Intelligence (Icci 2004) ,
Istanbul, Turkey, 04/12/15-17
Kondratieff Waves, Warfare And World Security, NATO Advanced Research
, Covilh? Portugal, 05/02/14-17
5th Creativity And Cognition Conference, London.UK, 05/04/12-15
Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents, Hatfield,
UK, 05/04/12-15
Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 05/06/18-22
Workshop on Complexity and Policy Analysis, Cork, Ireland, 05/06/22-24
ECAL 2005 - VIIIth European Conference on Artificial Life, Canterbury,
UK, 05/09/05-09
Complexity, Science and Society Conf 2005, Liverpool, UK, 05/09/11-14
18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2005), Salamanca,
Spain, 05/09/19-23
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