¸´ÔÓÐÔÎÄÕª NO£º2003.21
Complexity Digest 2003.21 May-25-2003
Archive: http://www.comdig.org,
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(Chinese GB-Code)
"I think the next century will be the century of complexity." Stephen
Hawking, 2000
1. A Theory Of Power-Law Distributions In Financial
Fluctuations, Nature
2. Altruisitic Duality in Evolutionary Game Theory,
3. Dynamics Of Social Networks, Complexity
4. Information Flow in Social Groups, arXiv
4.1. Decentralized
Decision-Making In A Large Team With Local
Information, Games & Econ. Behav.
4.2. Copied Citations
Create Renowned Papers?, arXiv
5. Attractor Dynamics Of Network UP States In The
5.1. Turning On And Off
Recurrent Balanced Cortical Activity,
5.2. Neocortical
Mechanisms In Motor Learning, Current Opinion
in Neurobiol.
6. The Dark Side Of The Genomeresearchers Shine Their
Lights On
Noncoding Sequence, The
7. Mental Self: The Person Within, Nature
7.1. The Self As An
Embedded Agent, Minds & Machines
8. Alzheimer's Vaccine Passes Key Test, CNN News
8.1. New Type Of Vaccine
Against Nicotine Addiction,
Scripps Research Institute
9. Self-Repairing Computers, Scientific American
9.1. Towards A
Neurally-Inspired Computer Architecture,
Natural Computing
9.2. Humans Deceived By
Predatory Stealth Strategy
Camouflaging Motion, Alphagalileo & Biol.Lett.
10. The Complexities Of Skeletal Biology, Nature
11. Cosmology: A Just-So Story, Nature
11.1. Chaos-Assisted
Capture Of Irregular Moons, Nature
12. Telescopes of the World, Unite! A Cosmic Database
13. Some Scientists Think SARS May Have Come from Outer
14. Mild Stress Increases Longevity, The Scientist
15. Automatic Thematic Extractor, J. Intell. Info. Sys.
15.1. Music Information
Retrieval, J. Intell. Info. Sys.
16. Aerosols' Effects Could Change Current Understanding Of
Climate Change,
17. Monarch Butterfly Navigates 2,000-Mile Migration Without
Map, Independent
18. Iraq'S Slide Into Lawlessness Squanders Good Will For
19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks
19.1. Hearing of National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks,
Looking at the Sept. 11, Attacks & the Response. c-span
19.2. A Spy Machine of
DARPA's Dreams, Wired
19.3. Walk This Way,
20. Links & Snippets
20.1. Other Publications
20.2. Webcast
20.3. Conference &
Call for Papers Announcements
20.3.1. Public Conference Calls
20.4. ComDig
Announcement: New ComDig Archive in Beta Test
1. A Theory Of Power-Law Distributions In Financial Market Fluctuations, Nature
Excerpts: Insights into the dynamics of a complex system are often gained
by focusing on large fluctuations. For the financial system, huge databases
now exist that facilitate the analysis of large fluctuations and the
characterization of their statistical behaviour. Power laws appear to
describe histograms of relevant financial fluctuations, such as
fluctuations in stock price, trading volume and the number of trades. (...)
Here we propose a model, based on a plausible set of assumptions, which
provides an explanation for these empirical power laws.
A Theory Of Power-Law Distributions In Financial Market Fluctuations,
Xavier Gabaix, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Vasiliki Plerou, H. Eugene
Stanley, Nature 423, 267 - 270 (2003); doi:10.1038/nature01624
2. Altruisitic Duality in Evolutionary Game Theory, arXiv
Abstract: A game-theoretic model of social preference and enlightened
self-interest is formulated. Existence of symmetry and duality in the game
matrices with altruistic social preference is revealed. The model is able
to quantitatively describe the dynamical evolution of altruism in
prisoner's dilemma and the regime change in prey-predator dynamics.
Altruisitic Duality in Evolutionary Game Theory, Taksu Cheon, 2003-05-15,
DOI: cond-mat/0305351, arXiv
Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
3. Dynamics Of Social Networks, Complexity
Abstract: Complex networks such as the World Wide Web (¡K) often do not
have an engineered architecture but instead are self-organized by the
actions of a large number of individuals. From these local interactions
nontrivial global phenomena can emerge as small-world properties or
scale-free degree distributions. A simple model for the evolution of
acquaintance networks highlights the essential dynamical ingredients
necessary to obtain such complex network structures. The model generates
highly clustered networks with small average path lengths and scale-free as
well as exponential degree distributions. It compares well with
experimental data of social networks(¡K).
Dynamics Of Social Networks, H. Ebel, J. Davidsen, S. Bornholdt,
Complexity, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp24-27, 2003/03/21, DOI:10.1002/cplx.10066
Contributed by Pritha Das
4. Information Flow in Social Groups, arXiv
Abstract: We present a study of information flow that takes into account
the observation that an item relevant to one person is more likely to be of
interest to individuals in the same social circle than those outside of it.
This is due to the fact that the similarity of node attributes in social
networks decreases as a function of the graph distance. An epidemic model
on a scale-free network with this property has a finite threshold, implying
that the spread of information is limited. We tested our predictions by
measuring the spread of messages in an organization and also by numerical
experiments that take into consideration the organizational distance among
Information Flow in Social Groups, Fang Wu, Bernardo A. Huberman, Lada A.
Adamic, Joshua Tyler, 2003-05-22, DOI: cond-mat/0305305, arXiv
Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
Abstract: We study a problem involving a team of agents each associated
with a node in a chain. Each agent makes a decision that influences only
his own cost and those of adjacent agents. Prior to making his decision,
each agent observes only the cost structure associated with nodes that can
be reached by traversing no more than r arcs. We show that (¡K)
deterministic strategies require r to be proportional to the number of
agents. This means that the amount of information accessible to any agent
should be proportional to the total number of agents.
Decentralized Decision-Making In A Large Team With Local Information, P.
Rusmevichientong, B. Van Roy, Games & Econ. Behav., Vol. 43, Issue 2,
pp:266-295, May 2003, doi:10.1016/S0899-8256(03)00006-X
Contributed by Pritha Das
Abstract: Recently we discovered (cond-mat/0212043) that the majority of
scientific citations are copied from the lists of references used in other
papers. Here we show that a model, in which a scientist picks three random
papers, cites them,and also copies a quarter of their references accounts
quantitatively for empirically observed citation distribution. Simple
mathematical probability, not genius, can explain why some papers are cited
a lot more than the other.
Copied citations create renowned papers?, M.V. Simkin, V.P. Roychowdhury,
2003-05-8, DOI: cond-mat/0305150, arXiv
Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
5. Attractor Dynamics Of Network UP States In The Neocortex, Nature
Excerpts: The cerebral cortex receives input from lower brain regions.
(...) Moreover, the membrane potential of cortical neurons fluctuates
spontaneously between a resting (DOWN) and a depolarized (UP) state, which
may also be coordinated. (...) Here we report the occurrence of
synchronized UP state transitions ('cortical flashes') that occur in
spatially organized ensembles involving small numbers of neurons. Because
of their stereotyped spatiotemporal dynamics, we conclude that network UP
states are circuit attractors¡Xemergent features of feedback neural
networks that could implement memory states or solutions to computational
Attractor Dynamics Of Network UP States In The Neocortex, Rosa Cossart,
Dmitriy Aronov, Rafael Yuste, Nature 423, 283 - 288 (2003);
Excerpts: The vast majority of synaptic connections onto neurons in the
cerebral cortex arise from other cortical neurons, both excitatory and
inhibitory, forming local and distant 'recurrent' networks. (...) local
cortical circuits do indeed operate through a proportional balance of
excitation and inhibition generated through local recurrent connections,
and that the operation of such circuits can generate self-sustaining
activity that can be turned on and off by synaptic inputs. These results
confirm the long-hypothesized role of recurrent activity as a basic
operation of the cerebral cortex.
Turning On And Off Recurrent Balanced Cortical Activity, Yousheng Shu,
Andrea Hasenstaub, David A. Mccormick, Nature 423, 288 - 293 (2003);
Abstract: The ability to learn novel motor skills has fundamental
importance for adaptive behavior. Neocortical mechanisms support human
motor skill learning, from simple practice to adaptation and arbitrary
sensory¡Vmotor associations. Behavioral and neural manifestations of motor
learning evolve in time and involve multiple structures across the
neocortex. Modifications of neural properties, synchrony and synaptic
efficacy are all related to the development and maintenance of motor skill.
Neocortical Mechanisms In Motor Learning, J. N. Sanes, Current Opinion in
Neurobiol., Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp: 225-231, 2003/04/11,
Contributed by Atin Das
6. The Dark Side Of The Genome:Researchers Shine Their Lights On Noncoding
Sequence, The Scientist
Excerpt: She offers possible explanations, including novel genes,
transcripts derived from alternative splicing, antisense RNA, and
intergenic transcripts. In the past, she says, many have attributed such
findings to PCR artifacts. "The experimental work that we've done in the
laboratory ... indicates that these low-level transcripts are really
valid," she says. Referring to the genome's nonprotein-coding elements as
"our own dark matter," she asks: "Is there a whole world within
the nucleus
about which we're fairly ignorant?"
The Dark Side Of The Genome Researchers Shine Their Lights On Noncoding
Sequence, Brendan A. Maher, The Scientist, 03/05/19
7. Mental Self: The Person Within, Nature
Excerpts: (...) define the concept of 'self', (...). One would be
refreshingly precise: "what the immune system identifies as belonging to
the body", a topic that was ably tackled by Gus Nossal in an earlier essay
in this series. The other meaning, corresponding to the everyday idea of
mental self, would be more difficult to pin down. The answers would
include: "the sense of one's own being", or "the sum total of
that distinguish the mind of one person from that of another", or
personal identity".
Mental Self: The Person Within, Antonio Damasio, doi:10.1038/423227a
Abstract: In this paper we consider the concept of a self-aware agent. In
cognitive science agents are seen as embodied and interactively situated in
worlds. We analyse the meanings attached to these terms in cognitive
science and robotics, proposing a set of conditions for situatedness and
embodiment, and examine the claim that internal representational schemas
are largely unnecessary for intelligent behaviour in animats. We maintain
that current situated and embodied animats cannot be ascribed even minimal
self-awareness (¡K). We propose that self-aware agents must possess
structures of self-directed goals; multi-modal sensory systems and a rich
repertoire of interactions with their worlds.
The Self As An Embedded Agent, C. Dobbyn, S. Stuart, Minds & Machines, 13
(2), pp: 187-201, May 2003
Contributed by Atin Das
8. Alzheimer's Vaccine Passes Key Test, CNN News
Excerpts: An experimental vaccine designed to fight Alzheimer's disease
appears to be safe in humans and is showing an immune response, according
to scientists with Elan Corporation.(...) Alzheimer's is a degenerative
disease of the brain that inexorably attacks nerve cells, causing
impairment and loss of memory and mental functions. Worldwide, 22 million
people are expected to develop the disease by the year 2025.(...) The
vaccine is designed to attack and clear out the characteristic beta amyloid
plaques seen in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. There is still some
debate over whether the amyloid plaques are the cause of Alzheimer's dementia.
Alzheimer's Vaccine Passes Key Test, 2003-05-23, CNN News
Contributed by Nadia Gershenson
Excerpts: Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have designed
a new way to make vaccines against drugs of abuse that could become a
valuable tool for treating addiction by helping the body clear the drug
from the bloodstream. The latest vaccine they created using this approach
induces the body to clear nicotine.(...) The new idea that they have
developed is to take a chemical that resembles nicotine and use it to
induce an active immune response. In this immune response, the body
produces antibodies against nicotine that can neutralize it in the
bloodstream. If a smoker later smokes a cigarette, the antibodies will
clear the nicotine from the system before it reaches the brain.
New Type Of Vaccine Against Nicotine Addiction Developed By TSRI
Scientists, 2003/05/23, Scripps Research Institute
Contributed by Nadia Gershenson
9. Self-Repairing Computers, Scientific American
Excerpts: Our group (...) has taken a new tack, by accepting that computer
failure and human operator error are facts of life. Rather than trying to
eliminate computer crashes--(...) --our team concentrates on designing
systems that recover rapidly when mishaps do occur. We call our approach
recovery-oriented computing (ROC).
We decided to focus our efforts on improving Internet site software. This
kind of highly dynamic computing system must evolve and expand quickly in
response to consumer demands and market pressures--while also serving users
who expect instant access at any time.
Self-Repairing Computers, Armando Fox and David Patterson' Scientific
American, June 2003 issue
Abstract: The first two main rounds of neural computing focused on
adaptation and self-organization in neural networks, and on use of analog
VLSI for compartmental modeling of the neuron, respectively. This paper is
a prospectus for a third round of neural computing: analyzing the
architecture of the primate brain to extract neural information processing
principles and translate them into biologically-inspired operating systems
and computer architectures. The way in which the cerebellum interacts with
other brain regions in learning how to better control and coordinate
movements provides a case study to introduce key ideas for these three
rounds of neural computation.
Towards A Neurally-Inspired Computer Architecture, M. A. Arbib, Natural
Computing, 2 (1), pp: 1-46, May 2003
Contributed by Atin Das
Abstract: Motion camouflage is a stealth strategy that allows a predator to
conceal its apparent motion as it approaches a moving prey. This letter
presents the implementation and results of a sychophysical experiment
suggesting that humans are susceptible to motion camouflage. The experiment
masqueraded as a computer game competition. Players were deceived by motion
camouflage predators controlled by artificial neural systems operating
using realistic levels of input information. It is suggested that these
results are especially of interest to biologists, visual psychophysicists,
military engineers and computer games designers.
Humans Deceived By Predatory Stealth Strategy Camouflaging Motion, A.J.
Anderson, P. W. Mcowan, Alphagalileo & Biol.Lett., 2003/05/19
Contributed by Atin Das
10. The Complexities Of Skeletal Biology, Nature
Abstract: For a long time, the skeleton was seen as an amorphous tissue of
little biological interest. But such a view ignored the large number of
genetic and degenerative diseases affecting this organ. Over the past 15
years, molecular and genetic studies have modified our understanding of
skeletal biology. By so doing this progress has affected our understanding
of diseases and suggested in many instances new therapeutic opportunities.
The Complexities Of Skeletal Biology, Gerard Karsenty, Nature 423, 316 -
318 (2003); doi:10.1038/nature01654
11. Cosmology: A Just-So Story, Nature
Excerpts: But perhaps the most significant change in cosmological thinking
involves a new willingness to discuss (...): the anthropic principle. This
idea suggests that the precise values of various fundamental parameters
describing our Universe might be understood only as a consequence of the
fact that we exist to measure them. To paraphrase the cosmologist Andrei
Linde, "If the Universe were populated everywhere by intelligent fish, they
might wonder why it was full of water. Well, if it weren't, they wouldn't
be around to observe it!".
Cosmology: A Just-So Story, Lawrence M. Krauss, Nature 423, 230 - 231
(2003); doi:10.1038/423230a
Excerpts: It has been thought that the capture of irregular moons¡Xwith
non-circular orbits¡Xby giant planets occurs by a process in which they
first temporarily trapped by gravity inside the planet's Hill sphere (the
region where planetary gravity dominates over solar tides). The capture of
the moons is then made permanent by dissipative energy loss (for example,
gas drag) or planetary growth. (...) Here we show that irregular satellites
are captured in a thin spatial region where orbits are chaotic, (...).
Chaos-Assisted Capture Of Irregular Moons, Sergey A. Astakhov, Andrew D.
Burbanks, Stephen Wiggins & David Farrelly, Nature 423, 264 - 267 (2003);
12. Telescopes of the World, Unite! A Cosmic Database Emerges, NYTimes
Excerpts: (...) assemble what some of them were calling "the world's
telescope." (...). Within minutes, to their joy and astonishment, they had
discovered three or four brown dwarfs, objects that occupy the niche
between planet and star.
(...) The telescope that Dr. Szalay and his colleagues have constructed is
not built of glass and metal. It is a virtual observatory, consisting of
terabytes of data collected by dozens of telescopes on Earth and in space,
and the software necessary to mine these data for scientific gems.
Telescopes of the World, Unite! A Cosmic Database Emerges, Bruce Schechter'
NYTimes, 03/05/20
13. Some Scientists Think SARS May Have Come from Outer Space, Reuters
Excerpts: Instead of jumping from an unknown animal host in southern China,
a few researchers in Britain believe the virus that has baffled medical
experts descended from the stratosphere.
"I think it is a possibility that SARS came from space. It is a very strong
possibility," Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe told Reuters.
The director of the Cardiff Center for Astrobiology in Wales and a
proponent of the theory that life on Earth originated from space, admits
the theory defies conventional wisdom.
Some Scientists Think SARS May Have Come from Outer Space, Thu May 22, 7:10
PM ET Add Science - Reuters to My Yahoo!, By Patricia Reaney, LONDON (Reuters)
14. Mild Stress Increases Longevity, The Scientist
Excerpts: Aging is a nonadaptive process resulting from cumulative damage
in cells, and the genes that control oxidative or other damage may have an
effect on the timescale of the aging process. Insulin also has a role in
the modulation of longevity, (...). This gene has multiple targets that
could be involved in modulating the several functions of the
insulin-signaling pathway. (...) a molecule important in modulating heat
shock response also has a role in the control of aging and (...) may work
together to promote longevity.
Mild Stress Increases Longevity, Cathy Holding, The Scientist, 03/05/16
15. Automatic Thematic Extractor, J. Intell. Info. Sys.
Abstract: We have created a system that identifies musical ¡¡ìkeywords¡¡§
themes. The system searches for all patterns composed of melodic repetition
in a piece. This process generally uncovers a large number of patterns,
many of which are either uninteresting or only superficially important.
Filters reduce the number or prevalence, or both, of such patterns.
Patterns are then rated according to perceptually significant
characteristics. The top-ranked patterns correspond to important thematic
or motivic musical content, as has been verified by comparisons with
published musical thematic catalogs. The system operates robustly across a
broad range of styles, (¡K).
Automatic Thematic Extractor, C. Meek, W. P. Birmingham, J. Intell. Info.
Sys., 21 (1), pp: 9-33, Jul. 2003
Contributed by Atin Das
Abstract: Increasing availability of music data via Internet evokes demand
for efficient search through music files. Users' interests include melody
tracking, harmonic structure analysis, timbre identification, and so on. We
visualize, in an illustrative example, why content based search is needed
for music data and what difficulties must be overcame to build an
intelligent music information retrieval system.
Music Information Retrieval, A. A. Wieczorkowska, Z. W. Ras, J. Intell.
Info. Sys., 21 (1), pp: 5-8, Jul. 2003
Contributed by Atin Das
16. Aerosols' Effects Could Change Current Understanding Of Global Climate
Change, ScienceDaily
Excerpts: Atmospheric aerosols, airborne particles that reflect the sun's
heat away from Earth and into space, are part of everyday life. They are in
the haze of air pollution, in plumes of smoke from forest fires and in ash
clouds from erupting volcanoes. But a new study says the cooling effect of
man-made aerosols could throw a monkey wrench into the current
understanding of climate change.
"It's possible that the total forcing from human activity to date is small,
or even negative. That's unlikely but possible, and we should not rule it
out at this point."
Aerosols' Effects Could Change Current Understanding Of Global Climate
Change, ScienceDaily & Univ. Of Washington, 2003/05/20
Contributed by Atin Das
17. Monarch Butterfly Navigates 2,000-mile Migration Without a Map, Th e
Excerpts: Scientists have solved one of natures most enduring mysteries -
how the monarch butterfly is able to navigate more than 2,000 miles on its
annual migration route.(...)
Monarch butterflies migrate between their wintering roosts in central
Mexico to their summer breeding grounds as far north as the US-Canadian
border. Scientists have now discovered that they employ an internal
biological clock that enables them to use the sun as a reliable compass no
matter what time of day it is.
This form of navigation is so accurate that it allows some monarch
butterflies to return to the same trees in the Mexican mountains that were
used by their great, great grandparents as roosting sites the previous winter.
Contributing Editor's Note:: The understanding of the navigation mechanisms
which insects and other animals use has inspired the design of machines
which are able to navigate using the same mechanisms. (See also: ALife8
Scientists Discover How the Monarch Butterfly Navigates 2,000-mile
Migration Without a Map, Steve Connor, 2003/05/23, The Independent
Contributed by Carlos Gershenson
18. Iraq'S Slide Into Lawlessness Squanders Good Will For U.S., NYTimes
Excerpts: In the space of a few weeks, awe at American
power in war
has been transformed into anger at American impotence in peace. A crime
wave, increasingly the work of organized gangs far better armed than the
skeleton Iraqi police forces, has kept citizens (...), free yet fearful.
Delays in restoring electricity and telecommunications have kept businesses
closed. Banks, looted of at least $500 million in deposits, have yet to
reopen. Traders, attacked daily by armed bands on the highway linking Iraq
to Jordan, are reluctant to send much needed imports.
Iraq'S Slide Into Lawlessness Squanders Good Will For U.S., Edmund L.
Andrews And Susan Sachs, NYTimes, 03/05/18
19. Complex Challenges: Global Terrorist Networks
Continuation of public hearings of the Nat'l Comm. on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States, looking at the Sept. 11 attacks & the response.
Hearing of National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, Looking at the Sept.
11, Attacks & the Response. c-span, 03/05/22 , 03/05/23 (5:15 hrs)
Excerpts: The Pentagon is about to embark on a stunningly ambitious
research project designed to gather every conceivable bit of information
about a person's life, index all the information and make it searchable. (...)
The embryonic LifeLog program would dump everything an individual does into
a giant database: every e-mail sent or received, every picture taken, every
Web page surfed, every phone call made, every TV show watched, every
magazine read.
All of this -- and more -- would combine with information gleaned from a
variety of sources (...)
A Spy Machine of DARPA's Dreams, Noah Shachtman, Wired, 03/05/20
Excerpts: One of the technologies the Pentagon is working on, as The
A.P.'s Michael Sniffen reported, is a radar-based device that can identify
people by the way they walk for use in a new antiterrorist surveillance system.
"Operating on the theory that an individual's walk is as unique as a
signature, the Pentagon has financed a research project at the Georgia
Institute of Technology that has been 80 to 95 percent successful in
identifying people," he wrote.
Walk This Way, Maureen Dowd, NYTimes, 03/05/21
20. Links & Snippets
20.1 Other Publications
Neural Correlates Of Categories And Concepts, E. K. Miller, A. Nieder, D.
J. Freedman & J. D. Wallis, Current Opinion in Neurobiol., Vol. 13, Issue
2, pp:198-203, 2003/04/01, doi:10.1016/S0959-4388(03)00037-0
Neural Correlates Of Decision Processes: Neural And Mental Chronometry, J.
D. Schall, Current Opinion in Neurobiol., Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp:182-186,
2003/04/02, doi:10.1016/S0959-4388(03)00039-4
Bayesian Models Of Object Perception, D. Kersten & A. Yuille, Current
Opinion in Neurobiol., Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp:150-158, 2003/04/01,
Neural Plasticity And Consciousness, S. Hurley, Biol. & Philosophy, 18 (1),
pp:131-168, Jan. 2003
Electronic Markets Win Out Over Traditional Dealing, A. Hinds,
Alphagalileo, 2003/05/15
Birds And Humans Have Similar 'Shopping¡¦ Habits, M. Bateson,
DNA Demands Chimps Be Grouped In The Human Genus, Say Wayne State
Researchers, ScienceDaily & Wayne State Univ. School Of Med., 2003/05/21
Research Recreates Ancient Roman Virtual Reality With 21st Century 3-D
Technology, ScienceDaily & Univ. Of Warwick, 2003/05/21
Gene May Produce Drought-resistant Plants, ScienceDaily & Purdue Univ.,
Power-law versus exponential distributions of animal group sizes, Hiro-Sato
Niwa, 2003/05/12, arXiv
On the Aging Dynamics in an Immune Network Model, Mauro Copelli, Rita M.
Zorzenon dos Santos, Daniel A. Stariolo, 2003/05/13, arXiv
Properties of a random attachment growing network, Laszlo Zalanyi, Gabor
Csardi, Tamas Kiss, Mate Lengyel, Rebecca Warner, Jan Tobochnik, Peter
Erdi, 2003/05/13, arXiv
A food-web based unified model of "macro-" and "micro-"
Debashish Chowdhury, Dietrich Stauffer, 2003/05/15, arXiv
A Toy Model of Flying Snake's Glide, Koji Matsumura, Y-h. Taguchi,
2003/05/20, arXiv
Adaptive Play With Spatial Sampling, J. Durieu & P. Solal, Games & Econ.
Behav., Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp:189-195, May 2003,
Sequence Complexity In Darwinian Evolution, C. Adami, Complexity, Vol. 8,
Issue 2, pp:49-56, 2003/03/21, DOI:10.1002/cplx.10071
Nonlinear Oscillations In Marine Hydroids, M. S. Venslauskas & S. Asmantas,
Chaos, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp:552-557, Jun. 2003, doi:10.1063/1.1574631
A Logistic Analysis Of Bankruptcy Within The US Local Telecommunications
Industry, R. Dean Foreman, J. Econ. & Business, Vol. 55, Issue 2,
pp:135-166, Mar.-Apr. 2003, doi:10.1016/S0148-6195(02)00133-9
Army and M.I.T. Unveil Futuristic Soldier Center, Reuters, May 22, 2003
Parallel Extinction Risk And Global Distribution Of Languages And Species,
William J. Sutherland, Nature 423, 276 - 279 (2003); doi:10.1038/nature01607
Rapid Worldwide Depletion Of Predatory Fish Communities, Ransom A. Myers
And Boris Worm, Nature 423, 280 - 283 (2003); doi:10.1038/nature01610
It's Alive: The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology, and Business'
Nicholas Stein, Fortune, 03/04/30, 2003,, Christopher Meyer and Stan Davis,
(Crown Books), "In the same way that researchers at PARC and Fairchild
Semiconductor and Bell Labs created technology that established a new
economy based on information," write Meyer and Davis, director and a
research fellow, respectively, at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's Center for
Business Innovation, "scientists in labs today are inventing a future based
on molecular technologies."
20.2 Coming and Ongoing Webcasts
< B>U.S. Militarism Threatens the Destiny of Humanity, Ramsey Clark,
c-span, 03/05/12
NAS Sackler Colloquium on Mapping Knowledge Domains, Video/Audio Report,
Robert Baer, Fmr. CIA Field Officer Baer discusses his article in the
current issue of The Atlantic Monthly on Saudi Arabia's counter-terrorism
efforts, c-span, 4/30/2003, 1 hr., (Video clip13399)
Uncertainty and Surprise: Questions on Working with the Unexpected and
Unknowable, The University of Texas Austin, Texas USA, 2003/04/10-12
Autonomous Agents, Stuart Kauffman, FRIAM Group sponsored Applied
Complexity Lecture Series at the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 2003/03/13
New Trends In Industrial Partnership And Innovation Management At European
Research Laboratories, CERN, Geneva, 2003/03/19 (with webcast)
CERN Webcast Service, Streamed videos of Archived Lectures and Live Events
"New Frontiers of Neuroscience" Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003/03/07
INSC 2003, International Nonlinear Sciences Conference, Vienna, Austria,
World Economic Forum Meeting "Building Trust", Davos, Switzerland,
Artificial Life Conference (A-Life 8), Sydney, Australia, 2002/12/09-13
Dean LeBaron's Archive of Daily Video Commentary, Ongoing Since February 1998
20.3 Conference Announcements & Call for Papers
The Opening of Systems Theory, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, DK,
Innovating Strategy Processes: Concepts, Experiences And Experiments,
Storrs, Connecticut U.S.A. 03/05/25-28
Liverpool Algorithms Day, LAD'03, Liverpool, UK, 03/05/30
SPIE's 1st Intl Symp on Fluctuations and Noise, Santa Fe, NM, 2003/06/01-04
The First International Workshop on "Socio-Cognitive Grids: The Net as a
Universal Human Resource", Santorini, Greece, 2003/06/01-04
21st ICDE World Conf on Open Learning and Distance Education, Hong Kong,
The Co-Revolutionary Competition An Alternative War Game Inspired By The
New Sciences, Newport, RI, 2003/06/03-05
Summer School on Nonlinear Phenomena In Computational Chemical Physics,
Barcelona, Spain, 2003/06/09-14
17th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2003), San
Diego, California, 2003/06/10-13
One-Week Intensive Course: Complex Physical, Biological and Social Systems,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 2003/06/16-20
2003 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC '03), Montreal, Canada,
5th Intl Conf "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics", Kiev,
2003/06/23-29, Mirror
Workshops of Dynamical Systems with Applications to Biology, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, 2003/06/24-28
NKS 2003 Conference & Minicourse, Boston, MA, 03/06/27-29
The 2003 World Technology Summit & World Technology Awards, San Francisco,
UQAM Summer Institute in Cognitive Sciences 2003: Categorization In
Cognitive Sciences, Montreal, 2003/06/30-07/11
9th International Conference on Auditory Display, Boston, MA,
2003/07/07-09, Wkshp on Assistive Technologies for the Blind, 2003/07/07-09
47th Meeting of the Intl Soc for the System Sciences: Conscious Evolution
Of Humanity: Using Systems Thinking To Construct Agoras Of The Global
Village, Iraklion, Crete, Greec, 2003/07/07-11
2nd International School Topics In Nonlinear Dynamics, Siena (Italy),
2003 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2003), Chicago,
2nd Intl Joint Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
(AAMAS-2003), Melbourne, Australia, 2003/07/14-18
7th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI
2003), Orlando, Florida, 2003/07/27-30
BIFURCATIONS 2003, Southampton, UK, 03/07/28-30
Intl Conf on Socio Political Informatics and Cybernetics: SPIC '03,
Orlando, Fl, USA, 2003/07/31-08/02
13th Annual International Conference, Soc f Chaos Theory in Psych & Life
Sciences,Boston, MA, USA, 2003/08/08-10
Call for Papers on Dynamical Hierarchies, Special Issue of Artificial Life,
Deadline: 2003/09/05
A Dual International Conference on Ethics, Complexity & Organisations &
Creativity, London WC2, UK, 2003/09/16-18
1st German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES'03), Erfurt,
Germany, 2003/09/22-25
Dynamics Days 2003, XXIII Annual Conference, 4 Decades of Chaos 1963-2003,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 03/09/24-27
Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT, Cambridge, MA, 2003/09/24-25
7th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL-2003), Dortmund, Germany,
2003 IEEE/WIC Intl Joint Conf. Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology, Beijing, China, 2003/10/13-17
American Society for Cybernetics (ASC) 2003 Conference (H.v.Foerster),
Vienna, Austria , 2003/11/10-15
Trends And Perspectives In Extensive And Non-Extensive Statistical
Mechanics, In Honour Of The 60th Birthday Of Constantino Tsallis, Angra Dos
Reis, Brazil, 2003/11/19-21
ICDM '03: The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining,
Melbourne, Florida, USA, 2003/11/19-22
3rd International Workshop on Meta-Synthesis and Complex System, Guangzhou,
China, 2003/11/29-30
2nd International Workshop on the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social
Insects, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 2003/12/15-17
4th Intl ICSC Symposium Engineering Of Intelligent Systems (EIS 2004),
Island of Madeira, Portugal, 04/02/29-03/02
Fractal 2004, "Complexity and Fractals in Nature", 8th Intl
Multidisciplinary Conf , Vancouver, Canada, 2004/04/04-07
Fifth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2004), Boston, MA,
USA, 2004/05/16-21
20.3.1 Public Conference Calls
PlexusCalls: "Surprise! Surprise!", McDaniel, Reuben, Audio File
Now, mp3
Complexity And Medical Practice, Pat Rush & Bob Lindberg, PlexusCalls,
2003/01/10, Audio File Available Now, mp3
John Holland in Conversation, PlexusCalls, - Audio File Available Now, mp3
Are Disease and Aging Information/Complexity Loss Syndromes?, PlexusCalls,
2002/11/08, 1 - 2 pm EST (To learn more about Ary Goldberger¡¦s
work and
HeartSongs, Music of the Heart.) Audio File Available Now, mp3
Brenda Zimmerman in Conversation, PlexusCalls, Audio File Available Now, mp3
The Complexity of Entrepreneurship: A Launchcyte Story, Tom Petzinger,
PlexusCalls, 2002/11/22, Audio File Available Now, mp3
A Practical and Appreciative Approach to Complex and Chronic Challenges,
Keith McCandless, PlexusCalls, Jan 2003, Audio File Available Now, mp3
20.4 ComDig Announcement: New ComDig Archive in Beta Test
We are in the process of upgrading the Complexity Digest archives to a
format with improved search capabilities. Also, we will finally be able to
adequately publish the valuable feedback and comments from our knowledgable
readers. You are cordially invited to become a beta tester of our new
ComDig2 archive.
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is an independent publication
available to organizations that may wish to repost ComDig to their own
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. For individual e-mail
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